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  1. driiifter

    New grower ... Need Help

    yes, definitely keep the room warm. young seedlings and clones thrive in warmer conditions. shake up your feed water or try supplementing with carbonated co2 water to stimulate roots. edit: healthy seedlings that are receiving the proper type and amount of light will grow straight upwards and...
  2. driiifter

    Need a little information any1 help.

    its okay to mist seedlings once a day. also, shake up the water you use to water them with, if possible, try using filtered, carbonated (co2 water) to feed with. this greatly stimulates root development. cooltubes are good on blue light, keep them extremely close to the cooltubes. probably...
  3. driiifter

    Droopy Plants

    try giving them a little over half of what you're giving them now. will probably see a noticable difference. maybe keep it slightly cooler than 79.
  4. driiifter

    My LSD Won't Grow!

    yeah, prolly ready to get flowering and put those juices to use at 65cm. after finding that out and further review of their life cycle, i've concluded that these guys probably suffered slightly from PH fluctuations. i use a cheap PH tester (better than being blind). early on i was hit with an...
  5. driiifter

    Plant Problems (Age unknown)

    depending on how quickly the soil dries up, you should generally only water something like 100-200 ml when theyre that young then let the soil dry out somewhat, but not completely. keep a slight breeze blowing on them. edit: also, administering a light formula of nutes would be very smart if...
  6. driiifter

    Wtf is that?

    what type of soil? what type of water? temp?
  7. driiifter

    My LSD Won't Grow!

    here's the link: and you know what, after looking at that, it says LSD only gets about 2 feet tall, lol, i just answered my own question i think. but ill still post up the pics seein as how there are visible complications, still curious on...
  8. driiifter

    My LSD Won't Grow!

    hey guys, i have 4 LSD growing right now. what concerns me is that they're on their third month and are only 1 and a half feet tall, with one barely sitting at 2 feet. i have widow, power skunk and 2 other unknown strands, all who have hit the 3 foot mark and are flourishing as we speak. is a...
  9. driiifter

    Plant is droppy, help !!

    you don't need too much strength in veg mode. but it's essential that cannabis receives light well within the blue spectrum during veg growth. a 200-400w MH is fine for vegging any height really, especially hydro. but cannabis doesnt require a MH, many floresecents out there contain excellent...
  10. driiifter

    Help please, yellowing and holes in leaves PICS

    type of light and how far away? temp of room? you mentioned low humidity levels; humidity doesn't exactly become an issue until flowering. as long as it's kept under 50%, i think you're fine. what type of pellets are those, by the way?
  11. driiifter

    What the hell is this ???????

    i also use GH nutes. the thing about GH is depending on the brand you use, the contents on the back of the bottle may give you directions that are only suitable for a certain type of system, i.e. hydro, re-circulative hydro, sub-hydro or drain-to-waste. each system uses different strength...
  12. driiifter

    What the hell is this ???????

    most strands are 8-9 week flowerings. since i don't know what strand you have or how the strand flowers, maybe you do need a little more time. just remember, the last 2 weeks of flowering do not feed it any nutes and those weeks should be used to flush/leech.
  13. driiifter

    What the hell is this ???????

    yeah, like smokey said, without a PPM meter you have no idea how strong your nute solution is. you have no idea if you're going to kill your plants in one feed or not, it's probably a bad timing combined with ill-preparedness combined with too strong a nute solution type of thing. but...
  14. driiifter

    Laying Down and Yellow Circles?

    well my second question is: where are they being grown? it looks like it's outdoors. they look pretty healthy to me, but generally growing with pre-fertilized soil or miracle grow is a bad idea, because you don't really have any control over how much your plants get fed - over-abundance in...
  15. driiifter

    My Babies Are Sick, Please Help

    theyre getting nute scorched from the fert in the soil and the nutes you gave them. generally you dont feed your plant nutes until it is well off into seedling growth, about 9 inches. you especially don't feed them if there are activated or time release ferts in your potting mix. second, lose...
  16. driiifter

    Plant is droppy, help !!

    how much do you water them - enough to let water drain through the bottom? how do you go about watering them, mainly? also, what type of light are they under and how far away is it? looks kinda like over-watering and not the right type of light.
  17. driiifter

    My seedlings are dropping like flies, please help!

    yeah your first main problem was skipping the rockwool and going straight to coco. rockwool is good in that it retains some moisture, while still offering healthy root penetration. in this way, by starting with rockwool, you can just water once, let it chill, then visibly be able to tell when...
  18. driiifter

    Laying Down and Yellow Circles?

    what type of soil is that? are those clones or seedlings?
  19. driiifter

    Controling Ph

    try to find a distilled reverse osmosis water machine around your neighborhood. theyre fairly common around groceries stores and what not. fill up a 5 gal container if you have to. im lucky enough to know a girl who has a PH water machine and can make water at whatever PH it needs to be (some...