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  1. PuffinChronic

    11' x 11' mushroom grow room, suggestions on method

    Well either way.. a life time supply.. lol I definitely want to see how this one turns out! Make sure too keep us posted!
  2. PuffinChronic

    how would u know if ur mycelium has been in the jar TOO LONG?+bonus question!!

    This is everything you need to know grasshopper... Oh and I don't believe it matters if you use BRF or Bird Seed or Rye Berries to start the process, I just know that rice flower takes longer than grain to colonize and that is why people go the grain route...
  3. PuffinChronic

    11' x 11' mushroom grow room, suggestions on method

    200 tubs x hp per 3 tubs = 33lbs = 25 to life... :wall:
  4. PuffinChronic

    Picking seeds from buds

    I advise she not pick at her plant while it's trying to flower. That is all. Puffin.
  5. PuffinChronic

    11' x 11' mushroom grow room, suggestions on method

    Thanks! :) It's been good.. I've never had any issues with contams or anything like that. Infact I think I've been pretty lucky thus far, mind you I wouldn't push it either. 3 flushes and then I toss em. Usually by the third things are starting to look pretty weak, not to mention I can never...
  6. PuffinChronic

    how would u know if ur mycelium has been in the jar TOO LONG?+bonus question!!

    If I were you depending on how many jars you have, I would let them all colonize and then mix them up with some coco coir in a big plastic tub with holes drilled on the sides for FAE. Put the whole tub in a garbage bag tie it up and wait a week - week and a half (No peeking! ;)). Then take the...
  7. PuffinChronic

    how would u know if ur mycelium has been in the jar TOO LONG?+bonus question!!

    It really all has to do with moisture in the grain, does the mycellium have enough of what it needs to survive? If left in a jar too long it will consume all of the available resorces and simply dry out. If you have pins developing in the jar you can still break up the jar and spawn to your bulk...
  8. PuffinChronic

    My 1st Grow

    Looks good to me :) Keep up the good work. I'm sure if you were having a problem people would give you some insight but things are looking good. Pat yourself on the back. Puffin.
  9. PuffinChronic

    Nute burn spreading wild, affecting whole plant.

    Aside from the problems you're having it looks good for 9 weeks from bag seed with no nutes! :)
  10. PuffinChronic

    11' x 11' mushroom grow room, suggestions on method

    Thanks mang. I'm not quite sure this is going a year or more back but I believe it was something like 4 Quart Jars Spawn to 8 Quart Sub... something like that.. the blocks were in the neighborhood of 14" x 8" x 2.5" .. Puff.
  11. PuffinChronic

    What is the best temp / humidity for sprouts just put under rockwool?

    Relax!! Just leave em be they'll be fine! I just soak em in ph water for 24 hours. Then both sinkers and floaters I wrap in wet paper towel, wait for em to open and then drop them in some dirt. Let mother nature worry about the rest!!
  12. PuffinChronic

    11' x 11' mushroom grow room, suggestions on method

    Finally! The Shroomery's back online I've been trying to access my account over there to show you some pics of my last endeavor.. those 2 tubs after 3 flushes yielded a hp... not bad for like my second go at it... In short I'm a mono tub man, small discreet and a self contained environment...
  13. PuffinChronic

    Shrooms in my garden are they good or bad???

    Ink Caps are awesome! I had some Coprinus Comatus also known as 'The Shaggy Mane' growing in my front yard in the begining of the summer due to heavy rain. They're very neat looking when the gills in the cap start to auto-digest. Also I have read that they're good eating if you pick them young...
  14. PuffinChronic

    Female Plant stolen >.>

    Hahaha probably...
  15. PuffinChronic

    anyone else kid themselves about the whole legalization game?

    I know right? It's the same in British Columbia, Canada. 10$ a gram.. No break for buying an eighth or a quarter and so on.. 10$ a gram or 280$ an ounce... who wouldn't rather go to a friend and get an oscar for 180 - 220 makes no sence what so ever.
  16. PuffinChronic

    Marijuana plants - arguement with girlfriend damage!!!

    Then maybe next year dig up the soil for some organic fert. ;)
  17. PuffinChronic

    Female Plant stolen >.>

    That sucks sorry to hear that! I hate to think of all the hard work put in to find you have been robbed!! Reminds me of the Brown Dirt Warrior on a smaller scale.
  18. PuffinChronic

    shrooms tonight. X)

    Why mix such a glorious experience with booze! what a waste lol.. I've always wanted to eat a quarter+ and sit in a room so dark I couldn't tell if my eyes were open or closed and let my mind take me away. Ahhhh DMT... how you took me to depths of my psyche never could have dreamed possible...
  19. PuffinChronic

    help mushies!!!!!

    I agree... if you haven't yet had a flush the mycellium is still strong. Because it has a hold over the whole substrate it is highly unlikely that a foreign spore would be able to germinate on your cake. When you get into dunking and going for 2nd and 3rd flushes when the mycellium weakens is...