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  1. PuffinChronic

    11' x 11' mushroom grow room, suggestions on method

    Mono tubs galore!! I never bothered with cakes, went straight into bulk substrate and never looked back! I once got a hp off of 2 tubs after all the flushes were done.. with that ammount of space your place will stink of fungus so bad you'll be eating dinner in the back yard to avoid the smell...
  2. PuffinChronic

    cow patty shrooms?

    And by expert he doesn't mean the town hippie lol... In all my years I've only ever met one person who I would trust his experience on the subject enough to eat wild shroomies. Experts are few and far between these days. Just reading imo isn't enough to go out into the cow field and start...
  3. PuffinChronic

    cow patty shrooms?

    Be very carefull when eating wild mushrooms, unless you are 150% certain you know what you're consuming DON'T ! If you start growing yourself today you could have the 'right' kind of fruit in no time. Much better then the alternative. I consider myself somewhat of an amateur mycologist if you...
  4. PuffinChronic

    Is making cocaine easy?

    Where there's a will there's a way. That being said this is a terrible idea. My advice to you, stay green brother... Blow has the power to catapult you down dark paths not many have the will to return from... Just my 2 cents... Puffin
  5. PuffinChronic

    Newbie wants to know about sex. Say it ain't so!!!!

    Balls... here I thought I met a nice girl. Our relationship has blossomed over the last couple months. Then I turn around for one second and she drops trow and whips out 'er nuts. Fml... thanks guys :)
  6. PuffinChronic

    Newbie wants to know about sex. Say it ain't so!!!!

    Noooooo! Whaaaaaaaaaahahahaha *sobbing uncontrollably* So what now? Just kill the lil guy?!? Why oh why me?!!!
  7. PuffinChronic

    Newbie wants to know about sex. Say it ain't so!!!!

    Ok here is a couple update pics... Im pretty sure its a boy :( just need the confirmation. I dont know if I can bring myself to kill the lil bugger, we've been through so much together. :wall:
  8. PuffinChronic

    Newbie wants to know about sex. Say it ain't so!!!!

    yeah.. no way that could have happened it was outdoors for most of its life and never near another cannabis plant. Unless I'm wrong in assuming that it can't be pollinated by another species.
  9. PuffinChronic

    Water Ph Lvl

    You could make your own distilled water which has a neutral ph level. It's a pain in the ass and takes some time...
  10. PuffinChronic

    Newbie wants to know about sex. Say it ain't so!!!!

    I have the same feeling, thanks for your 2 cents. Ill let ya know if you're right...
  11. PuffinChronic

    Newbie wants to know about sex. Say it ain't so!!!!

    Blast! I wish I could get you one unfortunately my camera is a piece and the macro sucks. I planted from bag-seed in mid June and the plant is only just 10" tall and the nodes have yet to alternate. It's the only one I have so it won't kill me to wait to find out. I suppose it probably has a...
  12. PuffinChronic

    Newbie wants to know about sex. Say it ain't so!!!!

    I was checking up on things this morning and I'm praying these aren't what I think they are. Also, notice some yellowing in between the veins on the bottom left side of the pic above. it seems to only be on the leaves of the 4th node. The highest new growth has no discoloration and seems to...
  13. PuffinChronic

    New to this a little help

    No one is going to be able to help you if they can't understand what you're saying.
  14. PuffinChronic

    New growth bright yellow in between veins. Help!

    Yeah it was doing fine untill a few days after its first feeding.. Its been three days since, Im going to wait another day or two until the soils a bit more dry and this time I won't use any nutes. Next time Ill dilute it down even more.. thanks mang!
  15. PuffinChronic

    New growth bright yellow in between veins. Help!

    I believe it was getting too cold outside at night and I was leaving our cabin for the rest of the summer. Its still only 10" tall and not very bushy, no wheres near ready to flower yet. I planted the seed too late in the year and figured I would try and prolong its days under CFL's. I do have a...
  16. PuffinChronic

    New growth bright yellow in between veins. Help!

    Hey all, here's a quick break down this is my first ever grow. Bag seed (Unknown strain) started out doors mid June, too late in the season as I now know. I brought the plant home and have it under CFL's more then enough for one plant. Was doing fine untill a few days ago when I noticed bright...