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    A few lollipop questions!

    Hey guys I just have a few lollipoping questions. I am about 5 days into flowering right now and was wondering if I can still lollipop my plants. Also, if it's ok to lollipop them still, do I just snip off the growth of the lower branches and leave the lower branches there or just cut off the...
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    How long after hairs turn color?

    Hello! How much longer (on average) does it take when the hair start changing color till the plants are ready to cut?
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    Bubblebags question>

    Hey guys Ive got a lot of scrap that im going to throw into these bubblebags sometime soon. Would it be better to dryout all the scrap first and then bubble bag it up or just do it while theyre somewhat damp? And would it be better to grind up the scrap before i put them into the bubble bags?
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    WHats a short, medium & long flowering time???

    HI yall! just wondering how many weeks is a short, medium and long flowering time thanks. Im bout a month in flowering on some headband. Just wondering...THanks peeps!
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    Difference between feminized seeds and regular seeds

    Hi Everybody! Im a little confused with the difference between regular seeds and feminized seeds. I get my seeds from the attitude site and for example they have feminized sour diesel seeds and regular sour diesel seeds. Whats the difference??THe crazy thing is, is that the Reserva Privada...
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    Tangerine Dream?

    Has anyone here ever experimented with any tangerine dream feminized seeds yet? Its a barneys farm strain and the specs look incredible. Its hard to believe its that good! Just wondering if its legit and worth getting?
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    What are these knuckle looking things??

    Theyre off the main stem. Its about a month old in veg but it for some reason already grew some hairs as well?? Can anyone tell me what this is!!?
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    hairs growing in veg???

    sorry i didnt resize it
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    hairs growing in veg???

    Its not like its in every corner it just like these knuckle looking things off the main stem. I am confused because it already started showing hairs about a week ago
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    hairs growing in veg???

    also in a few of the corners there seems to be a bubble looking thing, almost like a knuckle. Can anyone of you tell me what this is??
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    hairs growing in veg???

    Hello i have a plant that has hairs growing in the corners already! Its about 5 weeks old and about a week ago I moved the plant from the window to under a 400 watt MH bulb. For about the first month it was just a window plant in a 1 gallon pot with miracle grow soil. About a week ago I...
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    Light height of HPS bulb?

    In the flowering stage, how high should i keep my light over the plants (got 3 headband plants)? Im using a 400 watt hps bulb in an air cooled hood.
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    im pretty sure they might be too close to the light. what is a good height to have them under the light? im using a 400 watt hps and its in a air cooled hood
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    This sucks cuz i dont have any pics but i think my plants may be rootbound. They are about three weeks into budding and in three gallon buckets. one of the plants leaves towards the top are looking sad and i just watered them. WOuld it be too late to transfer them into 5 gallon buckets? what are...
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    Transplanting into different soil?? PLEASE HELP!

    Hi everybody! I have a lil girl thats about a month old that chills in a window but i plan on putting her under a light real soon as well as transplanting her into a 3 gallon bucket. The soil that im using for this window plant is some miracle grow and she has been growing very well because i...
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    germinating with feminized seeds???

    Do you have to germinate with feminized seeds or would i be fine with just putting the seed in soil and throwing it under a light?
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    Are they ready?

    i know it sounds gay but get a diary/journal going from now on lolz
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    Best time to water plants???

    When is the best time to water/feed your plants? Do they have to be on a particular schedule because i usually feed mine around noon when the lights have been on for 6 hours.
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    About to flower...Should i transplant??

    Hello friends! Im about to flower my kids really soon here but im not sure if i should transplant from 3 gallon buckets to 5 gallon buckets! Could they make it all the way with 3 gallon buckets???
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    How should i go from 18/6 to 12/12???

    Hi! I am coming up to my last week of vegging and I have to switch from 18/6 to 12/12. My 400 watt metal halide light turns on at 4 AM and shuts off at 10 PM. How should i make this switch from vegging to flower? As in what time should I have them turn off and turn on?