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  1. B

    Spraying the Leaves. Your Opinions??

    Theyre about a month old. I actually have them under a 125 watt cfl right now but i will be switching them under a 400 watt metal halide tomorrow. Theyre in 1 gallon buckets and theyre about 6 inches tall with about 5 tiers each. I plan on transplanting them once the soil dries out and the sugar...
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    Spraying the Leaves. Your Opinions??

    I am also using a 400 watt metal halide light if that makes any difference
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    Spraying the Leaves. Your Opinions??

    In my "Recipe for Success" nutrient feeding cycle it says to feed the soil Sugar Daddy and Route 66 immediately after transplanting. Also along with that it says to spray the leaves with the Thrive Alive B-1 Green solution. Is spraying the leaves good? And if so when would be the best time to do...
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    Nutrient Route 66 and Sugar Daddy

    Im about to transplant my babies into 3 gallon buckets with happy frog soil. They are about 4 weeks old and I havent given them any nutes yet. Would it be good to use the route 66 and sugar daddy immediately after i transplant them to deal with transplant stress? Or just give them a good...
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    HELP HELP! Which Nutrients to use first?

    ok so should i spray the plants or just add the thrive alive to the soil? People say that if you spray the plants you should do it minutes before the lights shut off. And when is it best to transplant, Beginning of light cycle or when theyre about to go to sleep?
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    HELP HELP! Which Nutrients to use first?

    I am about to feed my plants nutes for the first time. The product I am using is Technaflora Plant Products "Recipe for Success" which consists of Thrive Alive B-1 Green, Thrive Alive B-1 Red, Sugar Daddy, Route 66, BC Boost, BC Grow, MagiCal, BC Bloom and Awesome Blossom. They use different...
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    Help! What should i do first?

    Or should i water the soil one more time after i feed them in the 1 gallon buckets and then transplant them into the 3 gallon buckets? I also have nutes like route 66 and sugar daddy to deal with post transplant stress. Should i feed the plants that right after i transplant them?
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    Help! What should i do first?

    yeah i think im just going to feed them the next time theyre thirsty. Probably just a a 1/3 strength solution. Then once that soil dries out a lil bit then ill transplant them into 3 gallon buckets and feed them water a few times before feeding again. Once i transplant them into 3 gallon buckets...
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    Help! What should i do first?

    LOL are there any good techniques on transplanting?
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    Help! What should i do first?

    Hi! This is my first grow and i have 3 headband plants in 1 gallon buckets with happy frog soil under a 125 watt cfl light. The plants are getting about 6 inches tall and i have to do three things in the next week and they are....Add nutes for the first time, transplant into 3 gallon buckets and...
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    Help Help Help Urgent!

    cool i was freaking out for a little bit lol but yeah all the leaves look very healthy so i was just really confused but yeah that makes sense that they would do that. Im going to start feeding the next time theyre hungry and a week from now im putting them under a metal halide light instead of...
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    Help Help Help Urgent!

    If anyone can help me out this would be greatly appreciated. My plants leaves seem like theyre really sad. I just recently put an air conditioner window unit in my room which is outside my tent. I have a fan sucking air into my tent and an oscillating fan attached to the top of the tent for top...
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    How Tall Should They Be On Average Around 3 1/2 Weeks?

    for sure. well they are indica im pretty sure. its the headband and im guessing the reason why they arent growing as much as i would like is because i am using a 125 watt cfl. In about a week im going to switch to metal halide so we will see what happens there. Also, i havent started nutrients...
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    How Tall Should They Be On Average Around 3 1/2 Weeks?

    Ive got headband plants about 3 1/2 weeks old from sprout. They are about 5 inches tall with about 4 tiers. Is this a normal height or should they be taller by now? I havent fed them nutes yet and Im using a 125 watt cfl. Should I upgrade to a bigger light like a T-5 or metal halide and when...
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    When to transplant and add nutes?

    ok cool thanks! It says to mix 4 teaspoons per gallon of water of the thrive alive B-1 green. So if i just use two teaspoons of the thrive alive B-1 green, would it work if i just feed it through the soil or should i stick to spraying the leaves?
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    adding nutes

    im using happy frog soil in 1 gallon buckets and my plants are about 3 1/2 weeks old from seed sprout and nearly 4 tiers on all three plants. Havent started nutes yet but was wondering if was good now to start feeding them nutes in the 1 gallon buckets or wait till i transplant into 3 gallon...
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    spraying the leaves

    Im about to transplant 3 headband plants into 3 gallon buckets. I was wondering if it is safe to spray the foilage with the thrive alive B-1 Green after I transplant them? The plants are about 4-5 inches tall, do you think theyre ready to be transfered from the 1 gallon buckets to the 3 gallon...
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    When to transplant and add nutes?

    Hi! I have a few questions that have been on my mind lately. One of them is, my babies are about 4 inches tall going on their 4th tier and theyre in 1 gallon buckets and I am using happy frog soil. I plan on giving them nutes real soon but would it be logical to transfer them into new 3 gallon...
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    Temperature too HOT!?

    woodydude! im definitely trying to learn more and i am very new to this website. how do i "pm" you?
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    Temperature too HOT!?

    Ive got 3 headband plants! Im getting a window unit tmrw. That should help the temp somewhat but i dont want them to get too cold and it keeps a constant temp and isnt that a problem when they go to sleep? Isnt the temp supposed to be like 10-15 degrees cooler while they sleep?