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  1. Hyper

    Had to harvest early "Pic's"

    Those early buds will still get me high if dried n cured properly right?
  2. Hyper

    Had to harvest early "Pic's"

    Am i suposed to cut out every little leaf or do those small leaves that are on it just curl inwards when dried?
  3. Hyper

    Had to harvest early "Pic's"

    Ey today i had to harvest early because last night had a bad frost and my 3 plants were hit by frost before but oh well maybe better next time...Anywayz i was wondering if i'm doing this right...see the buds aren't very big and i cut off a bunch of the leaves but a lot of leaves are still...
  4. Hyper

    Finally made some pictures hehe.

    Yeah man i'm going to let them stand as long as possible. I just hope i don't get bud rot or mold because that would suck.
  5. Hyper

    Finally made some pictures hehe.

    Would it still get me high if i did? I'm sure they still need a couple weeks but there's just alot of rain n coldness and i don't want anything to mess the fun up for me.
  6. Hyper

    Finally made some pictures hehe.

    Lol i figured it are some more. I have 3 plants 1 is small bud has the nicest bud i is thin but taller...and one is tall and more wide. I hope you can answer some of my questions by looking at those pictures...the plants are late as fuk or slow as fuk and im running out of...
  7. Hyper

    Finally made some pictures hehe.

    Damn! how the fuk do i add a simple picture on here?
  8. Hyper

    Finally made some pictures hehe.

    Ey guys i had some topics before about the weather n shit because its getting really rainy for long days and frost has come by once. I also was asking about the potency if harvested early. Anywayz i made some pictures of my plants so check em out and say what you think. The smallest plant has...
  9. Hyper

    The start of mold.

    Yeah its getting shitty here also..I'm thinking of harvesting early.
  10. Hyper

    The start of mold.

    What kind of weather did you have Nepali? And for how many days? When im looking at your pictures i don't see anything bad somehow hehe.
  11. Hyper

    The start of mold.

    Thanks, that cleared something up. But its not like the white hairs turn black first at the tips right?
  12. Hyper

    The start of mold.

    Ey i got 3 plants still outside and the weather is getting crap..alot of rain..wind and had a little frost. Now what i wanted to know is, how can you see the start of mold? Will the white hairs get dark or black at the ends first? Do you have a good tip on how to see mold when it starts? thanks.
  13. Hyper


    I think you would need a really big plant to have so many bud sites. XD Don't worry man your buds will grow fat "i hope for you" and then you still have alot of weed.
  14. Hyper

    my plants got ripped fuckkkkkkkkk

    Ah that sucks dude. You should have harvested them a little more early hehe.
  15. Hyper

    Patchy frost.

    Yeah i hope so too. Quess i just have to wait and see if bud still grows or not.
  16. Hyper

    Patchy frost.

    In a good manner?..You mean drying it the right way n stuff?
  17. Hyper

    Patchy frost.

    :D Yeah good to know there's still a chance. If i have to harvest early, would the bud still get me high?
  18. Hyper

    Patchy frost.

    Oke so the frost went over it last was barely frost but still...Should i wait it out and keep on letting my plants grow? Or should i harvest? Now if i harvest early, would the weed i get from it still get me high?
  19. Hyper

    Patchy frost.

    Frooooossssttttttttttt #!@$@#%#$%#
  20. Hyper

    Patchy frost.

    Alright fuck i checked the forecast and there's patchy frost comming tonight...I'm pissed because i dont have much bud and now my plants will probebly be ruined. Fuk, it feels like i have been growing my 3 months for nothing all because of this gay country with its frost. Canada sucks dick when...