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  1. Hyper

    Flowering time.

    Ey guys i have 3 plants growing 1 is still pretty small but getting bigger and wider...other one is really thin but long and one plant is bigger and more wide "like 3 feet i think"....all of them are growing outside for like 2 months now or maybe even more. I was wondering if the plant size...
  2. Hyper

    Mites n shit

    No man there arent any big holes...just a lot of tiny ones on every leaf...i used malathion and right now its the only thing i can use since im not buying more shit...this costed me 20 bucks already....and malathion is good shit as far as i read from other marijuana growing forums so i dont want...
  3. Hyper

    Mites n shit

    Well fuck its suposed to be good can use it on vegetables too
  4. Hyper

    Mites n shit

    oh and after i sprayed the plant i came back like a couple hours later and saw like dead flyes on it and other dead insects so it must work hehe
  5. Hyper

    Mites n shit

    Yeah man its a outdoor grow...n yeah i think it had alot of spider mite but its not like the leaves are totally ruined or anything...most of them just have tiny little holes...i prayed with know if that spray is any good?...this is the only one i got and the only one i will get...
  6. Hyper

    Some mites n shit..

    Whoops sorry for posting it twice guys...i posted this in the plant problems section also with a little more details...i couldnt find this one till now...
  7. Hyper

    Mites n shit

    First off..hello guys im a new user and i already have a problem. I have been having spider mites or some sort of mites on my plant and i noticed way too late "i think". My plant is covered with light dots that if you look from the bottom looks like small little holes...every leaf has alteast a...
  8. Hyper

    Some mites n shit..

    Ey guys...first off hello, im a new user and with a problem already. I have been having problems with spider mites or some other shit...i noticed way too late and every leaf has alteast a couple of little holes on it...just bought some mitiside today, i believe its called malathion...i read up...