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    what plants stay short but are very strong strains?? big yeilds?? HELP

    Hey guys i want a strain that stays kind of small to medium but has a powerfull smell/stone? I have a gd grow space but want to get a fair amount into it...hence the size... thanks eckto

    Whats the best rooting hormone to use ,, PLZ HELPPPP ????

    which other factors would these be? thanks

    Whats the best rooting hormone to use ,, PLZ HELPPPP ????

    thanks guys ive heard of rootech ?? is that any gd?? .. can yous guys give me info on taking cuttings? i have a very big mother plant in vegging and has been in vegging for about 3 months it is very bushy... can i take cuttings like of off branches or does it needto be taki=en from the main...

    Whats the best rooting hormone to use ,, PLZ HELPPPP ????

    yo guys... i am just about to clone some babys for my net grow.. b ut i dont know what rooting hormone to use?? i want the best one possible as i want the best success rate.. thanks eckto

    help have i fucked my plant up ?????

    bad as in BADASS lol they are huge man in massive buckets hopeing to get around 10 ounce per plant ...peace

    help have i fucked my plant up ?????

    thanks bro was worried for a bit there lol... first tine grower n all.. my girls are looking bad man they are around 5 foot tall and only been in flowering for 3 days now... keeping a superskunk for cuttings. thats another problem i dont know how many i can take lol every stem looks like a...

    help have i fucked my plant up ?????

    hey you guys. what i have done is stupid i know that but im not sure if its ok?? i put all my plants into flowering but forgot to take one out for cuttings, they had all had 12 hours of darkness then the next day i took one out and put it back into 24 hour lighting to try save it for...

    Help I want to take multiple cuttings from my plant ??

    my early skunks are into flower period and these were cutting from my freinds plant... the super skunk is from sensi seeds and is feminized already been sexed as female hence the fact i am taking cuttings from it.. peace

    Help I want to take multiple cuttings from my plant ??

    Yo dudE this advice is awesome thanks alot man, I was wondering can I take like very small cuttings of off branches coming from the main stem? The plant is around 4 feet tall and got loads branches, basically im trying to get some badboys ready as i have 10 very big early skunks 3 days into...

    Help I want to take multiple cuttings from my plant ??

    Hi guys I have got 1 superskunk plant I have been veging for 10 weeks, it is a very big and bushy plant with lots and lots of branches, my problem is I don't know how to take cuttings from this as I want to take as many as I can?? I have watched videos but still can't understand it, also I would...

    Help my lights are off and needtoo feed

    They are super skunk all from sensi seed they are 1 week into flowering I veged them for 13 weeks very big plants in 20 gallon pots , I'm hoping to get around 10 ounce per plant, peace

    Help my lights are off and needtoo feed

    Thanks guys I'll try to keep with my schedule was just a bit worried incase I fucked them up :D

    Help my lights are off and needtoo feed

    Hey you guys I have recently set my timer to 12/12 and my lights have switched off but I stupidly put another light on and went in and fed them, will this fuck up my plants as it was only on for like 5 mins, can you come and go with 5 or 10 mins when changing the light schedule ?? Thanks eckto

    How to take cuttings from my plants i have very big plants ????

    Hey guys eckto here i have a few plants that have been in veg for around 2 months the are pretty big and bushy about 5 foot tall and 3 foot wide with loads and loads of branches.. i just dont know how totake cuttings as i want to take them right? and i want to take around 30,, also whats best to...

    SMALL POTS,, what happens if I keep my plants in small pots ???

    Hey guys , I was just wondering what would happen if I kept my plants in small pots not too small but small, can they still grow and produce a good yield ?? They are just over 1 foot tall and have a good amount off leaves and nodes.. Thnks eckto

    Can't get temps down from 96

    Guys I need Help and fast.. I have a grow room with 4 600 w hps, 2 x 8inch ectrator fans I going in with cool air and 1 going out through acarbon filter. Also I have 2 fans ciculating air around the room with 15 plants in 10 gallon pots, some of my plants are going yellow and dry and some are...

    how long can i keep these plants under this light??

    hey you guys these plants are about 5 weeks old,, they are looking pretty healthy and are showing loads of nodes, they ae going to be nice plants.. but is this light good enough for veg.. it is 40 watt bulbs fluo... how long more should i veg and is this light gd enough???? thanks

    Hey.can i put my 2 wek old plants into flowering in 1 week??? Pics !!!

    Hey these are small plants just 2 weeks old but for a certain reason i needto put them into flowering in 1 week... they have around 10 leaves and look very very very healthy... 2 is superskunk the rest are early skunk, the superskunks actually smell really strong at such a young age and the...

    How long should i keep my lighting for maximum yeilds 18/6 or 24/0

    lol you are the one with the stupid comments.. grow up TG