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    How long from my seedlings until i start to veg.. 18/6 ???

    how long do i keep them in veg from seed ?? these little guys look awsome this is my first grow and cant wait to see them grow... another thing i have purchased biobizz products ....biobloom...biogrow..and topmax... when should i start using these products??? cheers ecktoplazm

    How long from my seedlings until i start to veg.. 18/6 ???

    Hey can anyone help me i dont know how long to grow my plants before i put them under my 600 hps?? and how close to the 600 hps do i put them ?? i currently have 10 seedlings just broken ground under cfl and theyre doing great.. i needto know when to do the change... thanks EcKtOpLaZmbongsmilie

    Seedling Bent Over [PICS]

    hey evil monkey cheers for the info ... i have a 600 watt hps, what stage of growth should i put my plants into vegetation? after about 3 weeks?? i have got my siblings under a cfl now just bought one tonight :D and the are looking stronger already 3 have broken soil since i put it on 3 hours...

    Seedling Bent Over [PICS]

    also evelmonkey?? what type of light do you think i should put over these babys? i have them in an incubator.... thanks ecktoplazm

    Seedling Bent Over [PICS]

    yeh just 3 days old tbh ... why isit so bent over tho it doesnt look right? i also have another that was next to it that hasent sprouted and all the others have, what is the longest time it can take to break soil?? thanks alot mate i will leave it be and see what happens:D:D ecktoplazm

    Seedling Bent Over [PICS]

    can anyone help me... my seedlings are bent over and it is as if they arent strong enough to hold the seed?? shall i intervene and try straighten it up or just leave it and see what happens?? i dont want to harm the little ones:( thanks ecktoplazm

    Curled Seedling

    hi can you please help one of my seedlings is bent over after it has broke the soil, i am not sure if this is ok ?? i think the seed is too heavy for the stem?? should i interven or should i just leave it be? thanks ecktoplazm... 1st time grower :D

    Seedlings In Bad Shape.

    can anyone help please?? my seedling has just broken the soil and is bent over as if the seed is too heavy for it to lift,, it looks healthy and i dont want to intervene incase i stop the growth pleas help,, i have attached pictures , thanks ecktoplazm

    Seedling Bent Over [PICS]

    hey guys.. im having the same problem but my seedling that has just sprouted is bent over its just out the soil and still has the seed attached?? it is as if the seed is to heavy for it to lift? please help i dont know what to do and dont want ma little seedling to die on me :( thanks EcKtOpLaZm

    Help how much bio bloom.. give and when??? From seedling??

    cheers for the advice jason its well apreciated bro,, i have just straightened the stem and surrounded it with soil hopefully it looks as if it can handle on its own in the morning lol.. mate one of these babys has got a big fuck off stem much larger than the others lol it looks asif its gona be...

    Help how much bio bloom.. give and when??? From seedling??

    nice 1 mate i will wait and see how strong they look before i nute them,, but with the limp stem should i move the stem or just surround with soil?? i dont want to stress the sibling.. also if u dont mind me asking, were do you get good auto seeds from?? and what are good ones to get ?? cheers...

    Help how much bio bloom.. give and when??? From seedling??

    thanks for the info guys.. the charts sweet but how soon do you give your little sprouts nutrients?? Should i have small lights on my sibblings until they get leaves?? I have 3 "ak 47" and 3 "early bud" 5 of them have sprouted after germenation .... but 1 has sprouted and is sort of bent over...

    How long until seeds sprout above soil?

    hey you guys, i am also a newbie to growing and have just started my first grow :P i have 3 "early skunk" and 3 "ak47 X sensi star" . I was wondering how close to put a light to the newbies once they have sprouted??? cheers

    Help how much bio bloom.. give and when??? From seedling??

    I have just planted my first seedlings and dont know how much nutrients to give them and when?. I really neddto know this as i know everyhting else... hopefully some1 can help..I am using a 600 watt in an attic grow space and i have got biobizz products.. any other advice for a beginner grower...