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  1. S

    Male plants

    what do u do with ur male plants, can u smoke them after u let them dri or do u just throw them away immediately:blsmoke:
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    How often do u give nutes

    2 of them are 4 wks and 11 r 3 wks, i have been giving nutes, and they seem to like it, on the thread about what type of plant u can see the pics, Grim u replied to me on where it was a sativa or indica
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    How often do u give nutes

    :mrgreen:I am using the fox farm big grow 6 4 4 and fox farm tiger bloom 2 8 4 I use more big grow and a little tiger bloom for the strength of the plants, i don't put max in gallon of water, can i give this every watering or should i give everyother watering???
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    What type of plant

    anyone?? i would really appreciate it
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    What type of plant

    ok guys and gals, these plants r from some swagg weed, i tried my hand at them before my good seeds arrived, could someone tell me if it is a sativa of indica, they will be 4wks old tomorrow, also i have 13 plants in my closet(I know a lot) but I have a 400hps and 2 75 watt grow lights 2 fans in...
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    How long do I veg

    Thanks Yes We Are Very Ambitious I Will Take Some Pics Soon Enitire Closet Set Up. Thanks For All The Advice, It Really Helped, Got Another Question On Humidity, Do U Want It As Low As Possible For The Entire Flowering Stage, Or Just The Last Two Or Three Wks Before Harvesting?
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    How long do I veg

    thanks i really dont what preflowering is, but we will let them go for 8 wks and i have two that will be nine wks by then, so all are going into flowering together they are almost 3 wks and 4wks old now, also i have 13 plants undet a 400hps lamp i know that wasnt enough so we got 2 grow flor...
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    How long do I veg

    hello everyone this is my first grow, n I know I have asked a million questions, this is even a dumb one, but how long do u veg, my husband say u have to veg 8 wks, and then flower for 8 wks, just want to be clear is this correct:roll:
  9. S

    how many plants to 400hps lamp

    thanks was wondering should i get some flours lights to inhance to 400hps i have, i have two that are 3wks old and 11 2wks old the closet is full everything is in its final pot i am just worried about the light being sufficient. i tested the ph it is good all plants i am very careful on...
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    how many plants to 400hps lamp

    ok how long do i have to get more lights before i see some drastic changes. I have just transplanted 11 plants between yetersday and today, and i am tired, and worried cause i dont want to loose any due to not enough light
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    how many plants to 400hps lamp

    :roll:here are some pics of a couple jy new babies the r 3wks old 2morrow, how do they look?
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    how many plants to 400hps lamp

    hey everyone, this is my first grow, I have 13 plants in my closet, will my 400 hps be enough I am usin it for veg and flowering
  13. S

    HPS Distance from Plant

    my husband and I are using a 400 hps for our first grow also. we have two that are 2wks and 11 that r 1 wk we had the lamp to close at first n sort of scorch the leaves, when we realize this we moved it up to about 10 ins to see if that help, yes it did. they began to grow again n open up whew...
  14. S

    Seedling help!!

    no expert but u need to repot immediately, their roots need room to expand, otherwise they will die. I think if u repot asap, water the dirt before you pot, put them in their pots, don't overwater keep under good lightin, and they should be fine
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    Leaves curling in slightly

    thanks, i think it might be the nut's, i have not been giving max amounts, however they may be to young. they have not gotten any worse, i hope they don't, i don't know anything about how to flush, i'll probably drown them. but lets hope for the best.
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    Leaves curling in slightly

    I live in a very low humidity climax, so i had to get a humidifier it averages 35-45 I have honestly not checked the ph, this is my very first grow and i am learning on the way. I have ph kit with the pills but have not taken time out to do it. and these two older ones are swagg seeds, my new...
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    Leaves curling in slightly

    Pls if anyone can tell me the answer to this i would greatly appreciate it.
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    Leaves curling in slightly

    can anyone tell me why the leaves would curl in it is only slightly they are 2wks old, i raised the lamp using a400 hps so i figured it was to close, also how old before nutrients are to be given, cause i gave the little ones some already, they have been getting it for a week and are growing...
  19. S

    What causes leaves and stem to point strait up during flowering

    sometimes the light can be to close mine did that like she had horns, i figured out that it was the heat so i let up some using a 400 hps
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    New at growing

    thanks, also how many can i grow under my 400hps, i have 2 that are 2 wks old and 11 that is 1 wk old and growing what kind of light can i get the supplement