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  1. matt4ew101

    ww first time grow

    I've been reading a lot about lst and how it can Benefit your plants and utalise space in the grow room but can't find anywhere if you should do it if your main stem has grown too strong. I done the lower of the afghans yesterday and just wondering now if I should have! also while I was doing...
  2. matt4ew101

    ww first time grow

    day 34 and I give them a flush last night well a heavy watering didn't know how much to give them on a flush they're in 3.5 gallon Pots so I give them 4l of water run off was a really misty yellow colour is that what it's suppose to be?? hopefully that's what it needed majority of the fan...
  3. matt4ew101

    indicator sativa?? best yields and quickest harvest times are key but what's the best??(indoor grows

    looking into strains and what a lot of them have on offer and what people's thoughts are on big yield, time frames, minimum maintenance ect what's your favourite strain?? :bigjoint:
  4. matt4ew101

    passitbro's 800w tent

    mines got the exact same thing came on all of a sudden tips look burnt and starting to curl. I don't know what it is but I'm going to try a flush and same as you hold back on the nutes see how they do. any advances on yours at all?? hope it all works out for you man. let me know how you get off...
  5. matt4ew101

    ww first time grow

    yeah nice big flush now and start again all a learning curve :-D
  6. matt4ew101

    ww first time grow

    thanks man I have last 2/3 waterings that's why I thought that might be what it is but it says that through veg they can't get enough N that's what's confusing me
  7. matt4ew101

    ww first time grow

    only pics I've got a minute but growth has Slown up the last couple of days don't know if this is something to do with it.
  8. matt4ew101

    ww first time grow

  9. matt4ew101

    ww first time grow

    that's what I thought rather under do it than over do it but I am thinking of giving them a flush because I think the tips ect is maybe too much nitrogen so I might give them a flush as lights go on tonight. what's your thoughts guys?? might be because I topped them late might be stressed??
  10. matt4ew101

    ww first time grow

  11. matt4ew101

    ww first time grow

  12. matt4ew101

    ww first time grow

  13. matt4ew101

    ww first time grow

    so day 33 since planted and 30 since germination plants are looking healthy but I think I might have had the lights a little too close amazing how fast they grow!! couple of the leaves at the top seem to look burnt at the tips and are kind of curling to one side??? see on pics. put an extra 600...
  14. matt4ew101

    ww first time grow

    thanks man!! I think that's what I've been doing wrong but to be honest I was a little worried about the auto pots and the cloths at the bottom since planting them it's been playing on my mind that the water can't escape but I'm going to let some run out see how I get off. only reason I've been...
  15. matt4ew101

    ww first time grow

    I'm waiting until it's completely dry and then using just below 2l per plant probably every three days or so but I have been really cautious because that's all I keep reading is newbies messing up due to over feeding ect. think I'm going to hold back on the flip another 6 days should be ready...
  16. matt4ew101

    ww first time grow

    do you think I should let them grow until around 2ft then flip to 12/12 I want as much yield as possible but don't want to run out of space. the tent is 2.4m x2.4 x 2 m high. also I don't know if this is me just being paranoid but do you think my fan leaves are a little dropped some seem to be...
  17. matt4ew101

    My First Grow

    nice grow man!! I'm currently doing ww for my first grow yours looking pretty sweet how long did you let them veg for??
  18. matt4ew101

    ww first time grow

  19. matt4ew101

    ww first time grow

    thanks man hope the rest goes as well
  20. matt4ew101

    ww first time grow

    oh yeah they're currently 32 days from planting 29 from Germinating.