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  1. matt4ew101

    ww first time grow

  2. matt4ew101

    ww first time grow

  3. matt4ew101

    ww first time grow

    hi guys first time grow that I want to share with everyone get some feed back and as much advice as possible! started off from seed 6 ww and 6 afghan kush x ww (chose these because of they're reputation to not be prone to mold and rot) planted all in plastic cups used the old film over the top...
  4. matt4ew101

    expericaned advice???

    hi mate after some ergent advice I had the babies in small cups the roots had hit the bottoms and were looking healthy i put 6 into larger pots but one crumbled as i done it do you think I should have left them in there longer they're only a week old don't want to do anymore just incase just...
  5. matt4ew101

    expericaned advice???

    yeah im just putting them in they're new home under the cfl :smile::smile: im going to put them as you say 4 weeks veg maybe a little less because of the space issue and change over to flower as soon as they're large enough. im going to just water them for the next two weeks then start to give...
  6. matt4ew101

    expericaned advice???

    thanks for the response guys! justug I was told that the ionic was the same. as in I wouldn't need to flush as it keep the ph or has someone been filling me full of rubbish haha I'm going to put them in 3gallon auto pots but I'm not setting them up I'm going to water them my self just so I...
  7. matt4ew101

    expericaned advice???

    just set up my first grow room in a an 8feet x 8feet tent got 4 600w lights 8" extractor and a 6" inlet fan. I've got 6 afghan kush and 6 widow going in the tent they've just popped through the soil and are looking great. I've got s little closet set up for them with a 300w cfl but the bulb...
  8. matt4ew101

    new 3x2x2 setup

  9. matt4ew101

    new 3x2x2 setup

    hi guys I'm just getting started with my first grow. so pretty exciting times I've gone for the 3x2x2m tent 4x600w lamps. I'm putting 16 plants in the tent but am really struggling on what size extractor fan and filter to get?? a friend of mine said to use a 12" but I think it's a little big...