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  1. I

    Spouting the wrong way

    Alright so i put some soil on top of the root but is it ok if my root is still above the leaves or do i need to replant farther in the soil because i dont want to mess with my plants that much.
  2. I

    Spouting the wrong way

    So i planed 2 seeds friday of last week and my plants just sprouted today i didnt germinate them i just buried them in the soil inside. The problem is that the root is sticking out of the soil along with the leaves and the root is higher up than the leavs so the leaves are curving downward to...
  3. I

    First grow questions

    I decided im going to germinate straight into the soil so should i just put it in the soin and water it a bit then put light on it or no light until it sprouts?
  4. I

    First grow questions

    Since im keeping them inside for a week first wich light cycle should i use from germinated seed to the day im puting them outside?
  5. I

    First grow questions

    I am going to start by germinating using the paper towel method and then planting them inside and keeping them inside for a couple weeks with 24/0 light. my question is how should i make the transfer outside? Just when they are a few inches tall or should i change my light cycles first?
  6. I

    First Outdoor Grow

    So here is the deal: I have 13 seeds and i have been germinating them since last Friday. Only 2 of them have sprouted so far but some of the others are beginning to crack open. I have planted the other two in the woods only a day ago so they arent sprouting out of the ground yet. Thing is its...