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  1. Griggzy

    aussie outdoor guerilla grow 2013/14

    Im in tas, the good thing about them not flowering yet is they will get bit bigger by the time they do, I germinate in a thurmus full of water I leave them in for about a day or two then when I check most of them have roots coming out and I chuck them in a seed raising mix, I lost about 50...
  2. Griggzy

    aussie outdoor guerilla grow 2013/14

    Do any of youse know why my plants arebt showing sex yet its fairly late in season
  3. Griggzy

    aussie outdoor guerilla grow 2013/14

    Yeah we get the big cunts over here I actually caught one having a nibble on on through the day it was nearly as tall as me! I fixed it up a bit today I put two layers of wire around some of them and started laying tree vranches around them to stop them a bit. I dug up the area inside greenhouse...
  4. Griggzy

    aussie outdoor guerilla grow 2013/14

    Went and checked on them today. There was minimal damage I lost about half my seedlings which isnt really a huge loss I thort I was going to loose alot more. Bigger plants are all fine apart from something eating them im guessing a wallaby or something, one plant got most its leaves eaten off...
  5. Griggzy

    aussie outdoor guerilla grow 2013/14

    I still havent been out there I have been so fucking busy I will go up on weekend and post updates hopefully there ok
  6. Griggzy

    aussie outdoor guerilla grow 2013/14

    Beleive it or not the little plant is atleast 4 months old from seed lol I was thinking root damage aswell its fuckedup haha Im heaps worried about my girls after a huge windstorm hit us lol have any of use experienced any storms?
  7. Griggzy

    aussie outdoor guerilla grow 2013/14

    Yeah I need to transplant asap haha havent had the time to do it yet lol
  8. Griggzy

    aussie outdoor guerilla grow 2013/14

    Also guys has anyone ever had a dwaft plant one of my friends are growing a plant for me and I think its a dwaft lol
  9. Griggzy

    aussie outdoor guerilla grow 2013/14

    Yeah man Its real hard to tell atm but I think of they were male they would be showing male sex well and truly by now. I will be transplanting all them into ground asap been pretty busy atm amd havent had time. The bigger ones need to go into ground aswell when I get a chance. There was a big...
  10. Griggzy

    aussie outdoor guerilla grow 2013/14

    Also im pretty sure they are showing female sex. I find it hard to tell to start with can anyone tell me if this is def female?
  11. Griggzy

    aussie outdoor guerilla grow 2013/14

    I also did some staelth work out there today. I took the cover off the greenhouse so that its not visible. I put the seedlings and clones in the uncovered greenhouse and im going to start digging up the area inside it for a sea of green. I also took 4 more clones and put them into the small...
  12. Griggzy

    aussie outdoor guerilla grow 2013/14

    Yeah sweet bro. Heres another update I will do my bigger plants this update and I will do my seedlings and clones in another. Anway they are all looking nice some of the ones in pots have huge leaves compared to the ones in the ground. Just different genetics and shit tho. It will be...
  13. Griggzy

    aussie outdoor guerilla grow 2013/14

    Yeah man malawis should be ok.will have to check that shit out brother
  14. Griggzy

    aussie outdoor guerilla grow 2013/14

    Yeah man I will just get fems and clone them next grow I will be doing some clones off my current plant latter on aswell just to see how they go :) will check out think different aswell bro.
  15. Griggzy

    aussie outdoor guerilla grow 2013/14

    Yeah hopefully there pretty big man :) I will order them off ace too dude are they on herbies? I want some autos aswell for a mid year grow I like to have plants on the go at all times to get multiple harvests per year. Best way to do it. After these seedlings get a decent size I will order some...
  16. Griggzy

    aussie outdoor guerilla grow 2013/14

    Looking nice bruv. I recon I will end up getting another greenhouse there only about $50 and with a sea of green I recon I could get 15 plants in each one. Just enough for a mid year harvest then start a new crop again for next season :) those malawi's are beatiful man I meed to order some for...
  17. Griggzy

    aussie outdoor guerilla grow 2013/14

    None of mine are flowering man no white hairs at all lol. I will update my seedlings next update. Whats the best way of doing sea of green? I could probaly get another greenhouse aswell man? :)
  18. Griggzy

    aussie outdoor guerilla grow 2013/14

    Yeah wicked hopefully I get something off them. I was thinking of just keeping them in the greenhouse over autumn and shit because we get a few frosts and heavy rain. Only thing is theres too many to fit them all in the greenhouse when they get bigger lol whats your advice on that bro?
  19. Griggzy

    aussie outdoor guerilla grow 2013/14

    Yeah nice man I already topped some of the others hopefully they bush out a fair bit and yeild a fair bit. Im hoping to get something little off the seedlings and clones do u think I will get much man?
  20. Griggzy

    aussie outdoor guerilla grow 2013/14

    Im not sure when mine will flower they normally start flowering end of feb :)