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  1. E

    Obama on decriminalization

    if we legalize pot now we wouldnt have a depression any longer.... thats why it wont be legalized now either
  2. E

    Another transplanting question

    just make sure you water thoroughly right before and use a butter knife to scrape around the edges and they shouldnt even wilt, id say wait a day and do it as long as theres nothing but stem down there (no leafs etc like a clone) and your fine, hitting it with a light breeze by fan will really...
  3. E

    question about height and flower stretch

    ill post some pics for sure hehe, i wanted to flower oh say 2 months ago but i finely got around to getting everything ready stripped down a room etc, just to find out im going to have my grandparents reclaim their house!!! so thats why its so out of hand i have to remove and reclean and do...
  4. E

    question about height and flower stretch

    haha yeah when i say celery i mean f'n celery ive heard other grow reports of people complaining about it too, i bought some silica that seems to be helping quite a bit it didnt snap fully i heard the dreaded crunches and just smashed the crap out of it then put neosporin and paper/tape on it so...
  5. E

    question about height and flower stretch

    ah i tried but the stalk was so thick it was like celery i figured snapping it was better than letting it go untrained, unless you go about training extremely slowly for plants these size?
  6. E

    question about height and flower stretch

    whoa very fast replies! thanks guys, i took the tallest one and snapped her stem sideways trying to control the height (2 months ago it just grew faster i swear) cause it was outgrowing the other two ive begun lsting the others now so theyll stop a little bit too i was thinking of possibly a...
  7. E

    question about height and flower stretch

    damn i forgot to mention there still vegging heh, so this questoinh is how much taller when they flower, sorry for the horrible grammar/punctuation and run on sentences
  8. E

    question about height and flower stretch

    hello to all, this site has been a godsend truly and ive been using it for months and i finally have a question that digging through countless forums couldnt get me an answer for (well roughly) i have 4 foot plants in 1 gallon buckets in an ebb and flow system they were growing over an inch a...