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  1. starass

    Little Feed back please

    i just wanted to get a little feed back to what everyone thinks about how my grow is going. I am on day 20 since they popped out of the soil. I have 1 Pyramid Purple Auto which is the plant in the bottom right corner of the picture, and i have 5 Buddha Assorted Auto's in the other pots. The...
  2. starass

    400w MH or 400w Gavita HPS

    Yea i can't wait 5 Buddha Assorted Auto's and 1 Pyramid Purple Auto should be good!!!!!
  3. starass

    400w MH or 400w Gavita HPS

    So i am growing 6 auto flowers right now they are about 1 1/2 weeks sprouted out of the ground looking great and currently i have the 400w gavita HPS in the socket because it has a higher lumens then the MH correct? Should i still have the MH in and wait to use the HPS untill i see flowering...
  4. starass

    AutoGuerilla YaknGrow Style

    So i recently just planted 5 seeds from the Buddha Assorted Auto and all i can say is wow. I soaked my beans for less then 12 hours and they all cracked, then i put them in paper towel for a day, and they had 1 inch roots, and 2 of them had already lost the shell from the seed. After that i...
  5. starass

    Stealth Air conditioner setup

    yes thank you dangerlow that's what i was looking for
  6. starass

    Stealth Air conditioner setup

    So i was just looking on my facebook page and i stumbled across an interesting video It was pretty much an air conditioner made from a 5 gal bucket, insulation, pvc, and fan. all you have to do is add something frozen every couple hours, or...
  7. starass

    Am I Crazy? 12 autos in 2x4x6 tent

    So all 6 have popped out of the ground within the last 2 days and are enjoying there light, i had to help 4 of them find the light because i think i might have planted them a little deep but they are all enjoying it and starting to grow. for the soil, i have the roots organics on the top 1/4...
  8. starass

    Pyramid Auto Purple, and Buddah Seeds Assortment Autos

    That's a shame, but its nature. I am 1 week in and all have popped the soil a day or 2 ago, and are loving there light. I cant wait to see what these plants can do
  9. starass

    Pyramid Auto Purple, and Buddah Seeds Assortment Autos

    Has anyone grown any of these? I just planted 1 Auto Purple, and 5 Buddah Seeds in 3 Gallon Yeild Pots(fabric). Just wondering if anyone has grown these and has any experience with the breeders Pyramid Auto Purple Buddha Assorted...
  10. starass

    Am I Crazy? 12 autos in 2x4x6 tent

    So decided not to go with the jiffy pellets and went straight into 3 gal fabric yeild pots with a mix of 1 bag root organics, tga supersoil 25%bag left over from last grow, and a bag of tga base soil. gave them 1 gallon of water each for their first feeding with some vermi T compost tea. i'll...
  11. starass

    Am I Crazy? 12 autos in 2x4x6 tent

    Ok well i started 6 seeds 2 days ago and all have sprouted, in a couple hours in the morning after i do some stuff around the house i'm going to get them into jiffy pellets to get the roots going, my next question is what kind of soil does anyone recommend?
  12. starass

    Am I Crazy? 12 autos in 2x4x6 tent

    so 6 out of 6 cracked today, and 3 of them i am starting to see tap roots, hopefully all will grow well and be prosperous!!!!!!!!!!! As soon as i see the rest of the tap roots i will be transplanting them to Jiffy Pelets
  13. starass

    Am I Crazy? 12 autos in 2x4x6 tent

    So i already made my decision 6 plants, and i put them in water last night and 3 of them cracked and the other 3 were about to so i put them in paper towels and will be watching within the next day or two to see roots. 1 purple auto and 5 Buddha auto from the assortment pack. now my next...
  14. starass

    Am I Crazy? 12 autos in 2x4x6 tent

    So you think in 1 gallon sqaure pots plant all 12 seeds? Do you think that only a 400w HPS will cover that? my tent is only 2x4, how big is your growing area?
  15. starass

    Am I Crazy? 12 autos in 2x4x6 tent

    Well i just got my seeds in the mail today and i think that i am only going to put 6 into water today. Don't really have any extra money laying around to buy more lights and stuff. My girlfriend is going out of town next week so i'll probably be putting a grow journal up then. I'll post later...
  16. starass

    Am I Crazy? 12 autos in 2x4x6 tent

    or how about these these would be pretty cool to have especially being 4 separate panels
  17. starass

    Am I Crazy? 12 autos in 2x4x6 tent

    so your saying maybe upgrading to a 600w light would be better, or would you suggest adding cfls, or maybe 2 t5's going verticaly? What would be the ideal number of plants for a 400w bulb?
  18. starass

    Help!!!!! 55 days into flowering and the plant looks to be dieing

    So i had to harvest i got some advice from one of my MMJ Dispensery guys, and he looked at my plants and was like it was time to harvest ended up with 24oz wet so we shall see what dry weight is. Just ordered 12 auto seeds and am thinking about doing all 12 at once. Am i Crazy???
  19. starass

    Am I Crazy? 12 autos in 2x4x6 tent

    So as the title says Am i Crazy for thinking like this? By June 1st i have to have my 2'x4'x6.5' grow tent dissasembeled and pack up due to having a baby and needing the "unneeded" space. So i just ordered 2 Pyramid Auto Purple Feminised Seeds , and a 10 pack of Buddha Assorted Auto Feminised...
  20. starass

    Help!!!!! 55 days into flowering and the plant looks to be dieing

    i'll try to pull it out tomorrow and take some better pictures out of the light.... i'll actually try to post pictures of all 6 plants. Just got home from work before and the fan was off again and the temp was at like 86!!!!!!!!!!!!!! think it's time to go back to the old timer that never...