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  1. garrett.burn

    Should I switch my lights to flower?

    How big do they usally end up for you when you switch at 5 or 6? I'm growing in a 3x3x6 box...
  2. garrett.burn

    Should I switch my lights to flower?

    Okay so I have three plants that are doing good and one small plant not doing so well...How do I know when its time to switch my lights to 12/12? I will be moving them to 5 gal pots tomorow...I can post pictures if it would help. I am currently about 3-3 1/2 weeks from sprout under a 400watt MH...
  3. garrett.burn

    Help with Yellowing Problems Please!

    Okay ill give that a shot, thanks. How much empsom salt per glass of water should I use?
  4. garrett.burn

    Help with Yellowing Problems Please!

    What do you mean by "Just run the spring water through the soil until it runs off" like I should pour in spring water until it comes out the bottom holes or should I just begin using the spring in place of the tap?
  5. garrett.burn

    Help with Yellowing Problems Please!

    Thanks for the reply, so im going to have to wait a few days for my Ph +/- and my tester to get here...are you saying that if I take tap water and let it sit for 24 hrs it will be okay? also i do have some reg publix spring water would that be better than straight tap? Currently in literally...
  6. garrett.burn

    Help with Yellowing Problems Please!

    Allright thanks bro! i think ill invest in the digital one and some of that Ph up/down...Ill let you know how this helps!!!
  7. garrett.burn

    Help with Yellowing Problems Please!

    Im just kinda watering everyday. usally when i water the top of the soil is can i check to make sure they need watering? Could my problems be due to too much water you think? and how do you check Ph? Is all I need just some litmus strips?
  8. garrett.burn

    Help with Yellowing Problems Please!

    Yeah, i thought it would be bad for me losing one! Mine are veg under 400w metal halide on a 24/7. And thats the weird thing about mine those two are going yellow but my other two are doing great! Also I give them like half a large cup of water once a day, think i should be giving them...
  9. garrett.burn

    Help with Yellowing Problems Please!

    Thanks for the replies! Food Cooker- what should my Ph be at/around? My girl works at petsmart so I am going to have her get me something to test the Ph of the water. Closetgardner- The double leaf thing is kinda cool lol i had never seen it before. and yes the yellowing started on a low leaf (...
  10. garrett.burn

    Help with Yellowing Problems Please!

    I hav'nt fed it anything really but straight tap water. Theyre all in a soil mix of 50% top soil 25% peat moss and 25% perlite, and thanks for the response!
  11. garrett.burn

    Help with Yellowing Problems Please!

    Okay, I have posted on here a few times and most of the people here are very helpful, maybe someone can help with some new questions. I have three plants, and I will post a picture of all three. One of them has this weird double leaf thing growing out the top, and im wondering if this will...
  12. garrett.burn

    Help with yellowing leaves!

    Okay, I appreciate the info I didnt know that about the wood chips, those are pics of three different you think the yelloeq one will work its self out? And is the one with the weird leaves okay? I've never seen one look like that...
  13. garrett.burn

    Help with yellowing leaves!

    Okay so here is a few pics of what im working with....I have not added any nutes to my water and the soil is a 25% perlite 25%peat moss and 50% generic top soil. the temp in the room is between 78 and 81 depending on the time of day. Thanks for the quick reply and help!
  14. garrett.burn

    Help with yellowing leaves!

    Okay, so I have 3 THC bomb seeds and one unknown from a good batch. 2 of the THC bomb plants look great but I have some questions on the other two. One has yellow tips on the leaves and the other is growing abnormally, I will try and post pics if I can figure out how to from my phone.. if anyone...
  15. garrett.burn

    First Grow Questions

    Okay, thanks for the info. I have read a lot on google but every site makes it seem more complicated than it should be. Im wondering if I were put the DWC mixture in the bottom of a small child pool and put the plant in a container in the hydroton? Because it seems to me like this should work...
  16. garrett.burn

    First Grow Questions

    This is going to sound stupid but is there a simple way to explain how to grow in hydro. And they're not feminized, that why I did 5 because I figured I'd probably get 1 to 2 males.
  17. garrett.burn

    First Grow Questions

    Haha I'm new at this so expect to lol quite a few times lol. I think I will order some online because I do not know of a hydro store anywhere around me. Do I need soil nutes or liquid or both? And is distilled water really better for your plant? I have 5 plants in a 3x3x6 box, will that be too...
  18. garrett.burn

    First Grow Questions

    Where can I get fox farm nutes? Would home depot have them or would I need to find a specialty store?
  19. garrett.burn

    First Grow Questions

    Hey guys I have a few questions about my grow that I'm hoping someone could help me with. Okay, so I'm growing a few THC Bomb seeds under a 400 watt metal halide. My soil is made up of 1 part perlite 1 part peat moss and 2 parts organic top soil. I am running my light on a 18/6 light cycle...
  20. garrett.burn

    Good soil mix help +rep

    One last question guys, and its totally off the topic of this thread....but does anyone know how high my light should be from my plant? It just sprouted out the soil but the first 2 leaves are pointing up so I assume it is trying to get more light. I have a 400 watt metal halide light... Thanks...