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  1. garrett.burn

    General Grow Questions

    Thanks for the info bro, ur grow sounds awesome...I'm goin to research hydro a little more and might try it on my next grow, depending on if these would I tell if my plants have root rot or other problems?
  2. garrett.burn

    General Grow Questions

    okay thanks guys, I will water less and only when it needs it not on a schedual anymore. Do you think that will fix the problem? Also should I wait to flower till they are looking better? +rep for the help guys
  3. garrett.burn

    General Grow Questions

    Thanks for the help too bro. +rep
  4. garrett.burn

    General Grow Questions

    They had been watered about 3 hrs before the pics....I usally give them about 3/4 of a normal publix spring water bottle per pot once a day at 9 am....they usally feel light like the soil is dry in the morn but maybe i should give them less water more often? or more water less often? Or just...
  5. garrett.burn

    General Grow Questions

    Thanks for the reply, and I last watered at about 8-9 hrs ago...should I water again?
  6. garrett.burn

    General Grow Questions

    guessing im fucked huh?
  7. garrett.burn

    General Grow Questions

    Good afternoon guys, My girls are getting kinda "droopy" and turning yellow. I have been distilling the water and checking my ph before I water but my plants are still yellowing and droopy...I have pinched off most the brown/really yellow leaves but I'm wondering if these will make it? I also...
  8. garrett.burn

    Green Dry Leaves. Help please

    I water daily, once a day and give them about 1 large cup of water. and I dont usally get any runoff but there is moisture like dew under my pots.
  9. garrett.burn

    Green Dry Leaves. Help please

    Hey, thanks for the help. Do you think cycling the room 9 times a min is too much? and im not much worried about smell too much so would there be any other benifits to a carbon filter other than reducing smell? Also where can I get these MG nutes? just any local home depot or do I need to find a...
  10. garrett.burn

    Green Dry Leaves. Help please

    Ahhhhh Bad news but thanks for finally shining some light on this problem for me. I will go out and try and find a bag or two of pro mix a little later, and whats nutes should I give my babys? this is my first grow so Im really just trying to make sure they survive haha Also I have a 500cfm...
  11. garrett.burn

    Noob Appocalypse!

    Its not Illegal, Just keep in mind that anything that you put online, anyone and everyone will be able to see forever.....
  12. garrett.burn

    Green Dry Leaves. Help please

    Hey, Thanks for the help! Im growing in a 3x3x6 box with a 400w cool tube on 24/7 but because I have 2 fans and a duct fan hooked to the cool tube it stays around 78-81 in the box. I am not adding anything to the water, its just straight tap water that i let sit out for a day or two or spring...
  13. garrett.burn

    I wanted to share my beautiful girls with you all! Take a peek ;)

    Those are beautiful! what nutes are you using?
  14. garrett.burn

    Green Dry Leaves. Help please

    Hey guys, On two of three of my plants im getting dried leaves. Like They are usally green for a few days but theyre really dry and then they start turning yellow. I have adjusted my Ph to be at about 6-6.5 but I have not gave it any nutes except what is in my soil mixture (Top soil, perlite...
  15. garrett.burn

    Should I switch my lights to flower?

    Thanks for the info man, very helpful! Do you think I should move these to bigger pots or 5gal buckets?
  16. garrett.burn

    Should I switch my lights to flower?

    Okay, Is there any way to tell sex yet? I grew my last for like 3 months outdoor only to find it was male, so im really hoping atleast 1 of these will be female for me haha Thanks for the help man
  17. garrett.burn

    Should I switch my lights to flower?

    Also im not sure how SCROG works, but do you think these are too young to do the lst?
  18. garrett.burn

    Should I switch my lights to flower?

    should I move to bigger pots?
  19. garrett.burn

    Should I switch my lights to flower?

    I'm a newb as far as indoor growing, so my plants dont look near as beautiful as the other pics posted lol. Here are a few pics of what I have going right now...Is there any way to tell sex yet? and does anyone know why the one plant of mine is so small and droopy???
  20. garrett.burn

    Should I switch my lights to flower?

    Thanks for the replies, I think I'm going to wait another few weeks....ill take some pic and post in a min ....