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  1. E

    Is this a somewhat realistic idea?

    By the way I smoked just a couple bong bowls and it got me semi high. Could this indicate that I am doing good so far? Kinda obvious but I am curious cuz this got me more high than some flowertypes I've smoked in the past. ..and yeah I am always feeling a little nervous when im away from home...
  2. E

    Is this a somewhat realistic idea?

    Yeah I call it "ghetto grow" :D Could you show me a link of what exactly you mean I'm curious :D
  3. E

    Is this a somewhat realistic idea?

    I was able to earlier but I had to change my setup. But believe me its freaking horrible. Take a good look how I managed to hang my lightning. Its a long story but they say a picture describes a thousand words dont they As you can see I supercropped them a while ago.
  4. E

    Is this a somewhat realistic idea?

    So you think I shouldn't do it?
  5. E

    Is this a somewhat realistic idea?

    I am talking about my 300W LED
  6. E

    Is this a somewhat realistic idea?

    Alright I'll do it! Let's see if this will be a fuck up or an excelent success :D My setup dont allow me to lower my lights ;(
  7. E

    Is this a somewhat realistic idea?

    Where on the stems should I make a twist?
  8. E

    Is this a somewhat realistic idea?

    Yeah I meant more like trimming. Thanks for the info my friend! Haha so you think I should do it? Well shoot me if I break them okay? :mrgreen: Last 2 days on week 4 of flowering.
  9. E

    Is this a somewhat realistic idea?

    By the way guys what do you think about defoliating twice in flower? The plants seem to be growing new leaves that blocks the light for budsites. I defoliated both plants about 2 weeks ago.
  10. E

    Is this a somewhat realistic idea?

    I agree its always fun to guess and see if you come close :D Haha hopefully just 4-5 weeks left and you'll see the result. I'll try to make the best out of these seeds with the setup I have. I am not sure if I have balls big enough to train these anymore since I have pushed them to the edge...
  11. E

    Is this a somewhat realistic idea?

    That make sense, I'll try better next time :D
  12. E

    Is this a somewhat realistic idea?

    Thanks for your replies they are MUCH appreciated (:
  13. E

    Is this a somewhat realistic idea?

    Wow you sound optimistic I cant wait! Anyone else estimating "about a pound"?8-)
  14. E

    Is this a somewhat realistic idea?

    Picture 1,2 and 4 are taken from the right side of the "canopy" and picture 3 is from left. So I am hoping for some more stretch there by providing more light. EDIT: Or might it just be genetics that the other plant stays smaller? note that my setup is quite cheap aswell
  15. E

    Is this a somewhat realistic idea?

    I can upload some fresh pictures of the tops once I've cleaned my plate! :D
  16. E

    Is this a somewhat realistic idea?

    Thanks bud that sounds promising! I am trying to even the "canopy" by moving some of my lights above growth that has not stretched as much yet. Im at day 25 of flowering so I should have some days of stretch still. Let's wait and see what happens though I am very satisfied at this point. :)...
  17. E

    Is this a somewhat realistic idea?

    You're right! This is my second grow that I will be able to grow from start to finish, and I have to say im proud of what I have accomplished so far. I jumped into the unknown and converted my theoretical imagination into reality. Ofcourse I have to thank RIU members + other sources for what I...
  18. E

    Is this a somewhat realistic idea?

    Yeah indeed, just too many factors. Lets see if anyone will come close with their estimation :mrgreen: Cheers!
  19. E

    stem scraping/pinching? is it good?

    I think you are talking about supercropping though I will let somebody else with more experience explain it for you. Otherwise you can google it up. Cheers!
  20. E

    Is this a somewhat realistic idea?

    Guessing is allowed for everyone including you aswell :mrgreen: