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  1. E

    Training techniques combined

    Thanks for your reply I appreciate it! Alright I see, it was all experimental and I also don't have any hurry with the whole process. I want to see how much bigger it can get with more veg time + techniques combined.
  2. E

    Training techniques combined

    Hello everyone I am sure that some if not many of you growers out there have tried combining different training techniques to maximize yield. I am curious of knowing the yield of your grows where you have used many techniques together. Feel free to post here information such as name of strain...
  3. E

    Lollipop attempt

    Let us know how she does later on!
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    Lollipop attempt

    The leaves started to die in random places and not only right under the plants so thats one reason why I did it too
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    Lollipop attempt

    That was my plan too until I noticed leaves drooping and dying here and there so incase of any possible molding I decided to do a little haircut :)
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    Lollipop attempt

    Yeah well I've decided not to cut "too much" leaves since I believe the leaves are pure energy for the plant. Honestly I don't know which way is better but thats what I believe.
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    Lollipop attempt

    I cut only the lower part of the plants away (1/4) and from what I can see they like it a lot. I noticed that the plants are looking happier since they don't have to carry a shitload of leaves & crappy budsites that would never produce anything good enough, also the air ventilation underneath...
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    Lollipop attempt

    Alright I am getting nervous.. But I think I will have enough balls to try it out tomorrow! I will keep you updated!
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    Lollipop attempt

    Haha sweet videos! I am afraid of cutting too much of it, but would you suggest me to cut more?
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    Lollipop attempt

    As above, this is my first lollipop attempt. I still have to go through both plants one more time, I did not want to stress the plants too much since they're on their flowering period (day 16). What do you guys think? EDIT: I have no idea of if this is the right board to post about stuff like...
  11. E

    Looking alright?

    ..and the dwell should need a quick cleaning :mrgreen:
  12. E

    Looking alright?

    Here's a little update of how I am doing currently: The plants are 17 days into flowering and are looking quite well. I can see approximately 20-25x budsites on the plant and pistils are forming surprisingly quick than what I expected with this setup. However, here are a couple of pictures for...
  13. E

    Cut the "crap" away and leave the rest? (ghetto scrog attempt)

    Thats awesome to hear!
  14. E

    Cut the "crap" away and leave the rest? (ghetto scrog attempt)

    I might try it out, I'll post as soon as I've done it. By the way would you honestly consider this setup as a scrog? Do you think it could work? I mean the point is to have a nice even canopy and place all the branches in a way that each branch gets a maximum amount of lightning, right? :D
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    Cut the "crap" away and leave the rest? (ghetto scrog attempt)

    Hello Indagrow thanks for your reply I appreciate it! :blsmoke: I've read a little about cloning and it sounds interesting, I will try it with my next grow in a couple of months. Im not sure how to take that :lol: But sure I will post pictures in a few weeks. Happy growing!:leaf:
  16. E

    Cut the "crap" away and leave the rest? (ghetto scrog attempt)

    Alright thanks man I appreciate your answer! The few branches I am talking about are really low on both plants. I think I will wait a week, if the pistils don't show till then, I will cut them. Ofcourse I could save and make hash out of them aswell, but as I've understood it's wiser to...
  17. E

    Cut the "crap" away and leave the rest? (ghetto scrog attempt)

    Bump I will put my question in one simple sentence: Should I cut all of the lower branches that doesnt get light nor seem to have started flowering yet after 16 days of flowering?
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    Cut the "crap" away and leave the rest? (ghetto scrog attempt)

    Alright I see, thanks man
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    Cut the "crap" away and leave the rest? (ghetto scrog attempt)

    I can post the pictures here but tinypic is one of the most common uploading webpage there is