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  1. M

    Damn Plants

    ive been looking at other pictures of flowering plants around the same time mine are into flowering and it made me think there looking a bit small budded for how long they have been flowering anyone think so too? if so any ideas how to improve this
  2. M

    Getting colder.

    I live in Canada too man, In Niagara Falls Ontario, My plants are on there 4th week of flowering, there has been signs of frost on my plants but nothing bad only turning the leaves and stems purple, ive been doing some research and we should be able to keep our plants outside till the first week...
  3. M

    Damn Plants

    I'd say there about 21 days into flowering, a month and a week to go
  4. M

    Damn Plants

    last of them
  5. M

    Damn Plants

    Seems like i can only put up 2 at a time
  6. M

    Damn Plants

    Pictures of the plants
  7. M

    Damn Plants

    So here is my update, sorry its been so long its been a crazy summer, i gotta say the plants are looking alot better since planting in the ground and LST'in them. Heres some shitty pics ill but some better ones up tommorow.
  8. M

    help drying

    pull them from the ground and hang/tie them over a tree branch and let them hang
  9. M

    Damn Plants

    good point, i might have to use that line someday
  10. M

    Damn Plants

    yea there more relaxed here but i live in a small town, they dont have much to do anyway, catching a kid growing would probably make there day
  11. M

    Damn Plants

    yea i was thinking they cant charge me that much like i live in canada first of all, and theres only six so i dont see why they wuld waste there time
  12. M

    Damn Plants

    holy fuck, i just saw two cop cars sitting outside of my house, im paranoid and wondering if my neighboors have seen the plants, shuld i pull the plants?
  13. M

    Damn Plants

    thanks for the advice guys, i have another problem tho, one of my plants has two big stalks, one is showing female white hairs the other is showing male seed pods, how can i stop this from making the rest of them hermaphrodites?
  14. M

    Damn Plants

    so i planted them in the ground.....they arent looking any better plus theyve got white hairs comming out so i geuss they wont be getting any bigger, was thinking about trying to train them tommorow by tying them down hoping that will make a difference
  15. M

    Porch Monkey Ghetto Grow

    I dunno why these guys are messing with you dude, i gotta say thats a pretty good job for a porch grow take a second to pat yourself on the back you accomplished alot for starting out with nothing
  16. M

    The Grooveman's GroWW

    awesome looking plants man
  17. M

    Damn Plants

    anyone got any suggestions how to make them bushier too, im planting them in the ground with some soil, but i wuld rather them be bushy than tall, i was thinking of pinching but im not sure if its too late to be putting the plant through that much stress of tansplanting them and pinching
  18. M

    Damn Plants

    I have no idea i think it might be over watered seeing as we had a storm the other night
  19. M

    Damn Plants

    thanks for the advice ppl, i will be putting them in the ground tonight with some good soil, ill keep u updated
  20. M

    Damn Plants

    Is it too late to do that? and yes i have been feeding them nutes, plant prod 20 20 20