help drying


Well-Known Member
i am going to have to dry my harvest out doors i was hoping for some ideas , tips and anything please leave some advice


Active Member
pull them from the ground and hang/tie them over a tree branch and let them hang


Well-Known Member
Stop watering the day before you harvest them.
Cut the larger leaves off and put them in a bag to dry.(Great for tea)

Uproot and cut the plant at the base. Place plant in a large paper bag(s) and hang upside-down. Wrap the paper bag in string so restrict airflow to the buds(air=bad,light=bad). You want to really seal the buds in the bag so that they can dry properly. Wait about a week or two then they should be good.

Orange Shovel CAGrower

Well-Known Member
^^ you have a good idea about the bags, except if you restrict airflow it will cause mold and fungus. you NEED air to be flowing constantly (or at least in the open air). i am going to use a tent with wind able to come in/out with my buds hanging inside.


Well-Known Member
If you wrap them tight enough then mold wont grow. Ive never had a problem before with them. There are many correct methods to dry buds though...


Well-Known Member
My bad actually... Wrapping is more of an indoor thing.
By taking off larger leaves, cutting at the base of the plant and not watering the day or even two before harvesting, you can be sure that moisture wont be much of a factor. Ive only done this indoors though in a humidity, air temp., and wind controlled environment.

The tent is a good idea. To my knowledge the more wind that comes in contact with buds the more crystals that will be lost thus the less THC.

Does anyone else have opinions on these methods?


Well-Known Member
A tent is the best way to go outdoors, in my opinion. You have to have a high quality tent though (one that doesn't leak *at all* when it rains). I go backpacking a lot, so I know my tent is good.

I'll hang them inside from twine tied across the tent (most tents have loops and such for hanging gear). Once a day (after work) I'll go visit them and take them out of the tent, and lay them on a tarp outside. I'll sit and trim them and toke or whatever, just chill for an hour or so with them, moving them around a bit and letting them air out. The thing is, even with the windows open in the tent, tents can get humid inside... especially if you keep the bug netting closed.

It's also good to throw a bunch of newspaper (all crumpled/torn up) into the tent with them (or paper bags, that sort of paper). The paper will absorb a good amount of moisture. You can change out the paper every day too.

Once they start to look and feel dry on the outside you can start curing in jars, which you can do in the tent as well. At that point you just visit them once a day and air out the jars and put them back in.