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  1. BornOnAMonday

    Questions! Week By Week - 4th and 5th week flowering photos - Also, Deficiency?

    Really? I didn't see anything that I thought looked like a nitrogen deficiency? Where are you seei that at, especially going into week 6 of flower.
  2. BornOnAMonday

    Questions! Week By Week - 4th and 5th week flowering photos - Also, Deficiency?

    So here is a few photos. 1 is of my lady from today, the other is one "cola" shot from last week and today. I can certainly see some differences. Mainly, the buds are a bit bigger which is of course good, and also frostier. However, since last week, the fan leaves and everything look a little...
  3. BornOnAMonday

    Some Pictures

    Just some pictures I took today. I believe I am right around 5 weeks of flowering. I unfortunately do not know the exact length that i have been in flowering though. I had some minor problems with PM and took care of it with Green Cure a couple days ago, unfortunately this caused all of the...
  4. BornOnAMonday

    Sad day. Worms, fungi, and chopping off a cola

    Does anybody have a clue as to whether this is indeed gray mold or just perhaps a bud worm and his "home"? I have found one article online claiming that a budworm can make a bud appear to have gray mold "bud rot"
  5. BornOnAMonday

    Sad day. Worms, fungi, and chopping off a cola

    So as the title says, it's a sad day. It has been so humid here lately with some occasional rain shower and everything is wet. I have been vigilant on taking care of my pet, but Mother Nature appears to be winning the battle. I went out to check today and on my top cola, the best and biggest, I...
  6. BornOnAMonday

    Fungicide Anyone?

    This is the one I bought
  7. BornOnAMonday

    Fungicide Anyone?

    So I'm on my first grow and I have noticed a few spots of powdery mildew on my plant. I have taken off about half of a fan leaf on three different branches. I then sprayed with a mixture of milk h202 and water. I did this twice two days apart. About 5 days after spraying I have noticed another...
  8. BornOnAMonday

    Is this in flowering stage?

    Here's a photo of mine, I decided to trek out to it again. I am guessing 1 and 1/2 week into flowering then.
  9. BornOnAMonday

    Is this in flowering stage?

    Ok great, thanks a lot. That helps a lot to know and is a lot better than I thought. Growing in the midwest so hopefully getting it done by mid October, but I understand that the plant decides when it's ready :)
  10. BornOnAMonday

    Is this in flowering stage?

    Hello, So I am obviously a first time grower and while I have done research on things and know for the most part the phases and everything, I am a little curious on this. I am growing outdoors and I have a plant that is about 4 foot tall 3 and a half foot tall in a 5gal bucket. It has been...
  11. BornOnAMonday

    Nute burn, deficiency?

    Thanks man I'll look into getting some kelp meal today. I am going to get a little cal mag to just to make sure, and yea I figured that being transplanted outside was goin to be a little harsh on them at first since they started CFLs
  12. BornOnAMonday

    Nute burn, deficiency?

    Backstory: Strain unknown. 5 1/2 weeks old. Grew for first month inside under 150w cfl (actual watts). Transplanted directly into dirt with perlite and peat moss added in about a week and a half ago, letting Mother Nature take over. First few days went great. Last 2-3 things still look good but...
  13. BornOnAMonday

    Need help please! Is this a calmag or phosphorous deficiency?

    I couldn't say for sure. I am pretty new to growing, however I wouldn't be surprised if it was cal/mag. I say this only because I had a similar problem and dolomite lime solved it completely. I didn't have as many spots as you do though, however I might not have had as much as a deficiency. If...
  14. BornOnAMonday

    The Colorado Grow Box

    Just wondering if anyone has ever heard of or grown in the Colorado grow box. its on the small side but I would assume it is enough for 1 or even 2 plants. Decent price for what you get. Comes with everything you need. Fans, filters, lights (cfls of course).
  15. BornOnAMonday

    Leaves Curling After Topping

    Pictures are here. Just topped yesterday, very late i might add as I was already on the 6th or 7th node. Today I notice the leaves that were below where I topped have started to curl and almost be in an S pattern. They still look "healthy" with color and all but I wanted to make sure I didn't do...
  16. BornOnAMonday

    4 week old plant issues :(

    I'm just curious, is this 4 weeks from seed or fveg? Or was it a clone
  17. BornOnAMonday

    2 week seedling not tall enough? 2 sets of true leaves but only 2 inches tall.

    Hmm, I thought I read in a forum on grasscity that it was a good idea to mist so that your plant is still getting water. Something about how the roots rely on the leaves for growth after transplant shock. Anyways, I have had some drooping and yellowing of the first set of true leaves now and...
  18. BornOnAMonday

    2 week seedling not tall enough? 2 sets of true leaves but only 2 inches tall.

    Ok, just an update so that this thread doesn't become one of those awful threads where questions are started and results aren't posted. Since transplanting and losing so much of my roots, the plant has actually fared quite well. I kept it with only 42 watts of a warm spectrum cfl for 16 hours a...
  19. BornOnAMonday

    2 week seedling not tall enough? 2 sets of true leaves but only 2 inches tall.

    I have decided today to transplant into a solo cup. I made this decision based off a few things. 1. The soil I had used had a lot of woodchips in it and after I planted I read that was bad (noob mistake) 2. The pot was probably too big to start a seedling in. 3. I felt as if the pot was draining...
  20. BornOnAMonday

    2 week seedling not tall enough? 2 sets of true leaves but only 2 inches tall.

    That is good to hear, thanks for letting me know. I did some research and I did find one site that talks about them although I already can't remember the site or what they were called either.