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  1. BornOnAMonday

    Trich Photos - Almost Ready?

    It's not necessarily the chopping down at 6 am I have the problem with, it's the chopping it down then doing 4 hours of trimming. I would rather do that at night while having a few drinks or something lol.
  2. BornOnAMonday

    Trich Photos - Almost Ready?

    @grojack I have had Amber in the tricks for two weeks now, but I only had Amber and very noticeable clear trichomes, nothing I would call milky. I don't know why, but that's how it was. Maybe I did happen to stumble upon the holy grail lol, but im about 100% positive its sativa Dom since it is 4...
  3. BornOnAMonday

    Trich Photos - Almost Ready?

    I think since we are going to have good weather this week I will let it go another week. It is only at 50 days! And is definitely some sativa Dom plant. If it was raining I would consider pulling today but I will let it go. If the forecast changes I think I will chop.
  4. BornOnAMonday

    Trich Photos - Almost Ready?

    So I have made a few posts on here and my last one was about a week ago. I wanted to do another just to see if I could get a little more help. I got my USB microscope today (not great quality but only $13, that said, still a bugger to try and get it to look right). Took a couple photos and here...
  5. BornOnAMonday

    Early October? Possible Pounder?

    Right on, well keep us posted when you get final weight.
  6. BornOnAMonday

    Early October? Possible Pounder?

    Nice, I vegged with 200 watts of cfl for 2 weeks and then another 3 outside and my side branches didn't really happen lol. Sorry about the rot, I am scared to death I am going to get it in the next few weeks. I am about two out until harvest and the past couple days we have had light misting and...
  7. BornOnAMonday

    Early October? Possible Pounder?

    How many times did you top?
  8. BornOnAMonday

    Too Cold....Harvest Early? Pics Included

    Will do, the scent today is already a bit less than yesterday but still prevalent. I don't think this strain generally smells like this, at least based of the bag the seed came from. And yes, I will be going indica next year. It wasn't my bag that I got the seed from and I hadn't smoked any of...
  9. BornOnAMonday

    Too Cold...Should I Harvest Early? Pics Included

    Well enjoy the trimming lol. I have only trimmed one 1 foot branch and it felt like it took forever so when it comes time to do the whole plant, I will probably have a few drinks or something to get me through it. The manicuring part was a bit more..."fun" though.
  10. BornOnAMonday

    Too Cold...Should I Harvest Early? Pics Included

    Might also be a silly question, but when it say Day 129, is that from seed or flower? I mean that is clearly a heavy sativa.
  11. BornOnAMonday

    Too Cold...Should I Harvest Early? Pics Included

    Nice man, that plant looks a lot better than mine lol. This is my first grow so it isn't great. I have had multiple issues with it where I am sure it was just stressed too much but ya live and ya learn. Plants look sick though buddy.
  12. BornOnAMonday

    Too Cold....Harvest Early? Pics Included

    And I was just on the weather channel app and it is showing that they have a new forecast for the hurricane...almost like it is going off into the Atlantic instead of toward us, but the Bahamas look like bad news.
  13. BornOnAMonday

    Too Cold....Harvest Early? Pics Included

    Im north of you :)
  14. BornOnAMonday

    Too Cold...Should I Harvest Early? Pics Included

    Thanks guys, I will watch the trichs closely and let it finish off then. I just did the "manicuring" of the rest of the bud and shaved off another half gram so I would like to wait anyways. Rain isn't a problem. I have her in a 5 gallon bucket that I haul to a tented area when it rains. I also...
  15. BornOnAMonday

    Too Cold....Harvest Early? Pics Included

    awesome info guys, thanks a lot. I also put this in the newbies section and am getting the same responsed. Thanks a lot. I will let it finish.
  16. BornOnAMonday

    Too Cold....Harvest Early? Pics Included

    So fall is here in full force in the midwest. We have had a cold front move through and it looks like it's not going to be letting up. I am dealing with highs in the low 60's and lows in the mid 40's. Somewhat typical for my location at this time of year. I am about 45 days into flower on a...
  17. BornOnAMonday

    Too Cold...Should I Harvest Early? Pics Included

    So fall is here in full force in the midwest. We have had a cold front move through and it looks like it's not going to be letting up. I am dealing with highs in the low 60's and lows in the mid 40's. Somewhat typical for my location at this time of year. I am about 45 days into flower on a...
  18. BornOnAMonday

    Questions! Week By Week - 4th and 5th week flowering photos - Also, Deficiency?

    I will look into the black strap molasses and into poking some more holes. I do already have lots of drain holes in the bottom of the bucket, but I am assuming you are meaning to poke a hole about all the way to the top from the bottom of the bucket? I don't think I am seriously root bound right...
  19. BornOnAMonday

    Questions! Week By Week - 4th and 5th week flowering photos - Also, Deficiency?

    LOL..a pound haha. I am hoping for 2 ounces