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  1. 2beanklm

    Need help heating

    if your on 12/12 switch the light cycle to on during the coldest hours and off in the warmer hours. other than that i see no other way than a heater. really depends on the room and if it's in your home or a shed. how cold is it getting?
  2. 2beanklm

    Aurora @ 6 weeks

    Well i have kept them alive this long anyway. LOL. my first attempt.
  3. 2beanklm

    Aurora Indica (NL x Afghan)

    here is my auroua. my first grow. they are at 6 weeks tomorrow.
  4. 2beanklm

    Veg Time

    If size is not a problem in an indoor grow, how long do you growers starting from seed like to veg your plants before flowering. I'm tring to get a feel from you long timers to the best balance of time vs. yeild. i guess my real question is what is the shortest you might veg and still expect a...
  5. 2beanklm

    Aurora Indica Grow Pics

    they were started under 2 600 mh and are now under 2 600 hps.
  6. 2beanklm

    Aurora Indica Grow Pics

    Well i almost lost them in the start LOL. i started 10 and 3 died off on me. you see any difference between those plants? they just don't seem the same. much bigger fan leaves and looser buds on 2. even lighter green.
  7. 2beanklm

    Aurora Indica Grow Pics

    opps just looked at the calander and i guess i'm only 3 weeks into flowering.
  8. 2beanklm

    Aurora Indica Grow Pics

    7 females 4 weeks into flowering Tallest is 30". any guesses on my yeild? this is my first time so i think it's going well. i am kinda wondering if i didn't end up with 2 different strains. pics 2 and 3 notice the difference. 2 of the seven seem to have much looser buds.
  9. 2beanklm

    advise on changing the light cycle please

    Great thanks everyone. i just turned them off after 2 hours of light and they will come back on at 9 pm.
  10. 2beanklm

    multiple problems day 17 flowering

    no expert here but how tall are those? seems as though your pots are alttle small and might not be holding enough water or they may be root bound.
  11. 2beanklm

    advise on changing the light cycle please

    1 week into 12/12 and i have decided i made a bad choice with lights on at noon and off at midnight. could i change the cycle to on at 9 pm off at 9 am or am i asking for trouble? my reason is i'm in a cold climate and having to heat the room when it is 0 or below out will get exspensive. i...
  12. 2beanklm

    best web site to get BIG BUD
  13. 2beanklm

    How And When to Tell if you have a hermie

    First week into flowering on my first grow. got 6 plants that showed their sex as female before flowering. i was just wondering if i need to be prepared for any hermies and how to tell and what to do if i have any.
  14. 2beanklm

    thoughts on this fertilizer?

    good luck terror. keep us posted on your results.
  15. 2beanklm

    thoughts on this fertilizer?

    well i guess it works pretty well. hyponex, perlite and 4 oz pro-gro per 3 gallon pot. 5 weeks in soil after germination.. 7' tall. aurora indica.
  16. 2beanklm

    aurora indica heigth

    Anyone with indoor expirence with aurora know how tall this strain gets? it is listed as a very short strain . i want to flower at about 12" i think, but it is taking awhile to reach that height. it's under 2 600 mh lights 18' above so they are short and bushy. any input would be welcome.
  17. 2beanklm

    thoughts on this fertilizer?
  18. 2beanklm

    new guy need lighting help

    Thanks everyone. the mesh is a good idea. guess i'll try starting under just one mh and see what happens. the room temp is around 72 degrees but the temp at the platform where the plants will be is 85-87 with the lights 3 feet up. i was hoping having 2 lights for a 4x4 area would allow me to run...
  19. 2beanklm

    new guy need lighting help

    i've been lurking around here alot and finally got up the nerve to join up. i was hoping i could start them out with the lights high having 2 lights but i'm just not sure how far away or how much heat they can stand.
  20. 2beanklm

    new guy need lighting help

    if someone were to use 2 600 watt hids in a large room (25' x 15') over a raised platform 4' x 4' in diameter to do 10 plants what is the highest the lights could be above the plants and still get good growth? will be starting with 66000 lumens mh conversion bulbs then switching to 95000 lumens...