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  1. 2beanklm

    vinegar kills

    i used vinger on my first grow at 1tbs per gallon of water after the 4th week of veg. i was sure my plants were going to die as they were in very poor shape, but after getting the ph right they took off. i'll always use it. just my opinions though. as to using a good soil what if your waters ph...
  2. 2beanklm

    WHY?!? hermies.

    i have the same problem as you on my aurora that is 9 weeks today. i noticed the bananas at around 8 weeks. so far they haven't opened up and i'm gonna start the harvest tomorrow. some of the plants have another week to go though. i have asked about this problem a couple of times wondering if i...
  3. 2beanklm

    How Late in Flowering do you need ........

    guess maybe i didn't make myself clear. they aren't really male flowers i guess, just the small banana type leaves poking off a couple of buds that are going to be ready between this weekend and next weekend. my concern is if i let the plants go another week i'm not going to end up with a load...
  4. 2beanklm

    I don't get it. What am I doing wrong?

    looks to wet to me let it go until the soil on top is dry and powdery then soak it. what size pot you got it in?
  5. 2beanklm

    How Late in Flowering do you need ........

    to worry about male flowers causing problems. i have some showing up on my aurora that will be 9 weeks feb 12. they showed themselfs around week 7 but really haven't seemed to open up. some plants will be ready this weekend others may need another week. should i be concerned or just let them...
  6. 2beanklm

    Anybody have problems using those scopes?

    ok thanks. i wasn't sure if the leaves close to the bud would look the same as the bud itself. i'll give it a try for sure.
  7. 2beanklm

    Anybody have problems using those scopes?

    just started trying to use a radio shack 60-100 scope. i wear glasses and find it very hard to see well while trying to check a bud on the plant. any hints or suggestions? maybe i'm just retarded. LOL.
  8. 2beanklm

    Male flower showing late in flowering

    ok i'm just about done with my first indoor try. friday feb 12th will be 9 weeks. i just noticed a couple of male bananas on my big buds. any reason to worry this late in the game? how long after a banana shows up do you have before they will mess up your crop? thanks.
  9. 2beanklm

    Pics of my 2 first ladies

    my only suggestion would be think about investing in a mh conversion bulb for your veg time. it would keep them much more compact. they look great though. congrats!!!
  10. 2beanklm

    Aurora kola porn

    Thanks. i can't wait to take them down and see how much i end up with.
  11. 2beanklm

    Average time for indica strains

    60-100 from radio shack.
  12. 2beanklm

    Northern Lights + Purp kush 7 wks flower. PICS!!

    hard to tell from the pictures. how tall are they? i would guess 11/4 to 2 oz each. it may sound dumb but i use a 2 quart canning jar as a reference. it will hold about 2 ozs of bud. you can get a good idea by holding it up and seeing what you think it would take off the plant to fill it. ok...
  13. 2beanklm

    Northern Lights + Purp kush 7 wks flower. PICS!!

    sweet job. + rep for you.
  14. 2beanklm

    Up to Date Photos of Your Girls!

    2 quart canning jar held up for comparsion.
  15. 2beanklm

    Average time for indica strains

    yep it sure has n.l. in it.
  16. 2beanklm

    Average time for indica strains

    I have some aurora going that will be 9 weeks 12/12 on the 12th of feb. right now looking at them with the scope they still seem pretty much clear. how long do you old timers find most indicas take? my first attempt and i want it over to start #2 but don't want to jump the gun on quality.
  17. 2beanklm

    Aurora kola porn

    The jar is a 2 quart canning jar held up for size comparsion. about a week left i think. yesterday was 8 weeks.
  18. 2beanklm

    Aurora@ 8 weeks

    2 600 watters mh veg hps flower plain jane hood that came with the light. not cooled or anything.
  19. 2beanklm

    Help me choose my next 2 strains

    I'll be ordering from marijuanaseeds nl and would like some ideas on which of their strains people have had good grows with. the four i'm most interested in are: big bud bubble gum master kush mazar i'm only interested in feminized strains. any info on these strains or suggestions on another...
  20. 2beanklm

    Aurora@ 8 weeks

    the best part is it's my very first try. i'm ready to get them down so i can start on #2. gonna try ice for the next go around.