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    first grow leaves are curling under and light green spots

    I use only distilled water I will try the Epsom salt what is that for
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    first grow leaves are curling under and light green spots

    the soil is still most a couple inches down i took the plants out today and added perlite hoping it will stop it from packing down and air to travel easier so it can dry out i want to get a hd light and i may have to go with the street light set up but then i still have to find a converter to...
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    first grow leaves are curling under and light green spots

    first off i live in a town with now grow stores no nursery of any kind so i go with what i can get which is miracle grow soil that is all the stores are relly carring here right now i want to think you for taking the time to answer this but if all u are going to do is talk shit go fuck urself...
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    first grow leaves are curling under and light green spots

    ok i am using miracle grow potting soil i have two plants i already know one is a runt not to worried about it though i have two 45 cfls per plant with reflectie cones temp stays about 78 day and 68 night humdity is around 55 % i am running a 18/6 light cycle and the plants are around four weeks...
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    leaves curling under first grow need help

    well since everyone thanks i over watered i will just sit back and see what happens thnks everybody
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    leaves curling under first grow need help

    i water about every 3 days only when the soil feels dry in the top couple inches
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    leaves curling under first grow need help

    using mircle grow potting soil 4 45 cfls two plants installed ventalation system yesterday ( grow in a closet ) now one of my plants leaves are curling i am thinking about trying to flush it maybe to much nuts from the miracle grow soil
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    slow grower

    ok i got i i understood that it could be two different strains that is a very good chance i got the seeds from a friend that had them laying around i dont even smoke at the present time just want to get a grow or two done before i spend money on good seeds and start smoking again but thanks for...
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    slow grower

    ok i have read and i am not really understanding what a auto flower is can anyone help me i know it is off topic but just got brought up
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    slow grower

    i have two seedlings from bagseed they are both three weeks old i have done the exact same thing with both and as you can see one is alot smaller plant any ideas could it just be a runt ???
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    first grow seedling dieing

    thanks for the advice i am staying away from all nutes till i see that they need them i can see some small leaves forming on both of my plants even the runt so that is a real good sign
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    first grow seedling dieing

    thanks for the advise
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    first grow seedling dieing

    i moved my fan where it can get better wind and backed the lights up a little i am going to give it a few days and see what happens i hope it lives i would really like them both to grow to improve my chances of getting a female
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    first grow seedling dieing

    well thanks for the advice from both of you i am only using miracle grow because thats what i had laying around the house and just decided last minute to do this so i didnt know it was a ad idea at the time as far as strain it is just bag seeds that i did even smoke so i could tell you anything...
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    first grow seedling dieing

    this is my first grow i started the whole process one week ago i am using miracle grow potting soil i have 2 45 cfls on each of my seedlings the temp is 75 degrees and humidity is 60 percent one of my seedlings looks good to me the other is much smaller and leaves are shriveling i am not sure...
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    i am new i think one of my sedlings in dieing

    i have two seedlings both were bag seeds one week ago i started germinating i used the cup of water method and everything was going fine i noticed one was growing slower and now i am worried cause it is alot smaller then the other and leaves look like they are shriveling i am using a closet i...
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    how far above my seedlings do my cfl need to be

    i have 5 45's just need to know a rough distance
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    new this is my first grow

    both of my seeds have now sprouted
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    new this is my first grow

    yes 45 is the actual