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  1. stilltokin

    My GreenHouse A.M.S On Day 46 Flowering

    oh man that looks so nice, what was the high/taste like?
  2. stilltokin

    bag seeds fact or fiction you make the call

    yea its pretty nice here but its just too hot sometimes.
  3. stilltokin

    bag seeds fact or fiction you make the call

    dingos live in the outback, I live in Sydney
  4. stilltokin

    bag seeds fact or fiction you make the call

    your just jealous coz indiana gets so fucking boring doesnt it? haha
  5. stilltokin

    Question about electricity fee?

    na as long as you pay your bills on time you shouldnt get busted. Unless your runnin i donno 8 1000watt hps or something lol, but even then cops wouldnt find out about it if u pay your bills.
  6. stilltokin

    Australian Outdoor 101

    your plants look excellent mate! Its been hot these last few days especially today 40degrees! So that should give your plants a nice boost. have fun
  7. stilltokin

    Need Seeds You get a shit load of seeds for a good price and they always look nice and coloured. Nirvana is good too but their seeds grow so slow for some reason
  8. stilltokin

    Best Seeds to Grow Outside in Socal

    Durban Poison is great for outdoor from what ive heard and its meant to give you a very trippy and weird high, I really wanna try it
  9. stilltokin

    Aurora Indica Grow!!!!!!

    any tips for stunted plants? Or any idea when their gonna start taking off?
  10. stilltokin

    Aurora Indica Grow!!!!!!

    here they are, there tiny little things
  11. stilltokin

    Aurora Indica Grow!!!!!!

    hey creepystevie, sorry ive been away for a while due to my holidays so because I had no one to look after my plants I had to put em in the bush and hoped for the best. I'll try and get you a pic but they are very small because I think their growth was stunted.
  12. stilltokin

    bag seeds fact or fiction you make the call

    na sorry thats my girlfriends:hump: hehe
  13. stilltokin

    why do my soil mplants grow so slow

    I use a mixture of canna coco, potting soil and perlite. It drains well and doesnt take to long to dry out so you can water it more often-making the plants grow. Because when the soil is dry the roots go and spread out to search for water.
  14. stilltokin

    New Grow Northern Lights (Outdoor bagseed)

    sounds good and your plant looks healthy good luck
  15. stilltokin

    bag seeds fact or fiction you make the call

    your afraid of kangaroos? haha that made me laugh na never seen romper stomper. Seriously australia is a nice place especially Sydney, its alot of fun just walking through the city high and looking at all the tall buildings and going on the ferries etc. Its something you should do before you die
  16. stilltokin

    why do my soil mplants grow so slow

    hey man i'm from aus too, soil can just take its time and sometimes it can take 3-4 weeks until your little plants finally start shooting off just be patient and roll yourself a nice joint
  17. stilltokin

    bag seeds fact or fiction you make the call

    yea here in Aus we only know good bud theres no such thing as mids or whatever that shit is. Ive been buying bud for a few hundred years and its always been green and very chronic. Dont believe me, then come on over and choose any dealer..:weed:
  18. stilltokin

    bag seeds fact or fiction you make the call

    Same here, ive never found a seed in my weed until a week ago where I found this little grey seed. Never sprouted though.. I have to buy seeds from the net every time, its kinda fun though
  19. stilltokin


    A regular bat wing Matt white reflector is probably the best and safest reflector. These will never cause heat spots making you feel safe if you leave the house for a few days. Yea you can cooltube but it could also work with a normal reflector and a strong extraction fan. have fun
  20. stilltokin

    Did you drop out?????????????????

    Dropped out after year 10 and have been making my money in the black market ever since. This may be the wrong thing for many people but I can smoke as much as I want at any time without getting caught, its sick!