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  1. stilltokin

    2 Day Old Plants... WHATS WRONG???

    Yea I would say water two to three times a day. Clones just love humidity and moisture
  2. stilltokin

    Pyramid Seeds??

    na never seen pyramid seeds. Do they have their own website?
  3. stilltokin

    should i add perlite to fox farm soil??

    Perlite is good but ive had trouble with it when I add it too my seedling cups. Its hard for the little roots to grow around it and one of my seedlings actually died because it tried growing through a piece of perlite. It was a healthy green on one day and then lying on its side the next...
  4. stilltokin

    Forced to use CFL's : ( Am I Screwed?

    yea I agree get a shit load of cfls and cover your plants with em. Get about 3 or 4 45watt cfls (per plant)if you can, dont know how many ure growing though.
  5. stilltokin

    2 Day Old Plants... WHATS WRONG???

    a humidity dome would also be good, just make one yourself its easy
  6. stilltokin

    2 Day Old Plants... WHATS WRONG???

    You have to spray down clones at least three times a day with pure h2o water so the humidity stays at about 80-100 percent, so keep watering like you are and spray those leaves frequently. hiope i helped
  7. stilltokin

    Aurora Indica first time Grow!

    yea same im with you, im growing the same strain and it doesnt look like a fat pure indica, a little stretchy but my lights are as close as I can get em so that cant be it nice plants samisery
  8. stilltokin

    Should I help the sprout?

    na you should let it grow, i took the casting of once and the seedling didnt like it.
  9. stilltokin

    Going on a tolerance break

    huh? what did I say
  10. stilltokin

    weed helps you sleep

    Yea i cant fall asleep without bud. Haha i just made a thread about this..
  11. stilltokin

    Going on a tolerance break

    i smoke everyday because I actually need it to fall asleep. A lot of people on this website feel what you are feeling. I suggest you grow a heavy indica to knock you out. Im growing aurora indica and its meant to be quite looking forward to that. But im not sure how long thc stays in...
  12. stilltokin

    extreme yellowing and redness in leaves!

    na dont give nutes if your that close to harvest, it'll make the bud taste like crap. Only water can we see some pics...pls:lol:
  13. stilltokin

    Big bud strain

    yea they look nice and healthy, especially the one in front. I wouldnt say their small for 4 weeks have fun
  14. stilltokin


    Same here I order from Nirvana a lot and im in nsw
  15. stilltokin

    Scrawny house plant is budding

    why not put it outside? Or is it too cold in the US at the moment?
  16. stilltokin

    Split harvest

    yea lots of people take the top colas and then continue to grow the bottom ones but right now im too baked for this shit so i dont know if its right. ??
  17. stilltokin

    hidding the smell from parents?!?!?

    Im going to have to put my 2 cents in and say that I've been smoking ever since I was 14 and started smoking everyday when I was 15. I never wanted a highly stressful job and so I got what I wanted and here I am now working during the day and doing nothing but smoking when I get off work. But my...
  18. stilltokin

    Boiling water??? Ph balanced!!!

    yea i think everyone knows how to boil water. Why not just let it sit out for 2 days or more, I mean jeez why in such a hurry have you got a whole plantation or something?
  19. stilltokin

    ** CFL help Simple Q**

    yea personally i think mixing a 6400K and a 2700K in both veg and flower is the best way to go. It gives the plant a good colour spectrum. But then again ive never flowered with cfl's only hps:hump:hehe