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  1. stilltokin

    Is this mold on my weed?

    from what ive heard, moldy bud is pretty bad for your health. Couldnt imagine it to be more potent..?
  2. stilltokin

    6 Mother Plants.....Time to flower!

    Sounds good. Why not keep 1 or 2 mother plants in veg and keep taking clones? Whatever you do, good luck
  3. stilltokin

    Smoking in your grow room

    Ive got a black light in my room, so whenever I smoke my bong I can make the best smoke rings. Im so blazed
  4. stilltokin

    experiment part 3

    get some 42watt cfls on it. Wow that is so stretched
  5. stilltokin

    WHITE RINO update (pics)!!

    wow beautiful plants, rep+ I love white rhino, its pretty common here in Australia
  6. stilltokin

    What is hydroponics

    Yea I love soil but coco is even better coz its sort of like growing in soil and hydro, i'm so fucking baked
  7. stilltokin

    Is watering everyday such a bad move!? I DO!

    it also depends on the substrate, I dont know if any of you grow in coco but I do and it needs to be watered every day sometimes as it dries out very quickly. Watering every day is only bad if the soil is still moist and u keep watering not allowing the roots to search for water. Ive never had...
  8. stilltokin

    Is watering everyday such a bad move!? I DO!

    its good to water the plant often as it gets a fresh supply of co2 from the water. But only water when its dried out almost completely. have fun
  9. stilltokin

    My First Grow Room - Seed to Bud

    mmmh now you've mad me hungry
  10. stilltokin

    Smoking in your grow room

    yea true, im currently tring to quit ciggies. Weed really helps you out in situations like these.
  11. stilltokin

    (Video)What a Terrible Thing To Do To Your Son On X-Mas

    What bunch of hillbillies, poor kid
  12. stilltokin

    Smoking in your grow room

    yea sounds pretty good, what was the volcano like? I actually dont like vaporizing but id get one just for my health, is the volcano any good?
  13. stilltokin

    how much do you smoke??

    2 ounces a week, but ive tried cutting down and sometimes I can make it with 1
  14. stilltokin

    water bongs is harmless or not?

    yea that sounds right, might start saving up some money and looking into the volcano, Ive only tried the vaporizer with the heating element and I must say those were the worst 80 bux spent in my life, that thing was a piece of shit. So I gotta try getting a volcano, anyone know a good site for...
  15. stilltokin

    10 day bubblebomb and 14 day afghan mazaar

    I really like that plant. Its beautiful and in excellent condition. So nice and bushy I hope my auroras turn out similar to that.
  16. stilltokin

    What makes the crystal

    what are you like 8 years old? Smartass
  17. stilltokin

    Ordering Seeds To Australia???

    Thank you:clap:
  18. stilltokin

    Whats The Strongest Strain Out Now?

    oh really? wat week u up too, is it a good strain hope u had a good new years eve
  19. stilltokin

    Ordering Seeds To Australia???

    Yea aurora and jack sounds like a good mix! You definately got unlucky with Nirvana, but I think theyve changed now for the good I mean I havent seen anyone complain lately about em, all ive heard was good news. Hope u had a good New years, the fireworks are just so trippy every year after...
  20. stilltokin

    What makes the crystal

    yea not rude at all:wall: