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  1. SuperSmoker420

    CFL question

    Nice plant man, looks real healthy. I've been looking at T5's too. I'm looking at one on ebay right now with 2 2' bulbs putting out 9600 lumens according to the seller. They want $100, comes with 4 bulbs (2 blue spec, 2 red spec), ballast, and reflector. Does that sound like a decent deal...
  2. SuperSmoker420

    CFL question

    So this is my first grow and I only have a 250w HPS for 6 plants in veg atm. I want to add some CFLs for side lighting but I know nothing about them. I was wondering if they fit in normal incandescent sockets or if I need a special CFL fixture? I also was curious about their lumen output. I know...
  3. SuperSmoker420

    1st grow WW...comments/suggestions welcome

    They are in the hydro now. Two of the plants have pretty much fallen over their like 6" tall and their stem is really thin. My TDS meter came in today. I'm still waiting on the pH stuff so I'm still using vinegar for now. TDS is 150 pH is 5.5. The rest are all looking pretty solid except one of...
  4. SuperSmoker420

    Tap water and PPM

  5. SuperSmoker420

    Tap water and PPM

    This is my first grow and I'm using tap water in my hydro setup. My question is, Do you subtract the PPM of the plain tap water from the PPM of the water after adding nutes? Like for instance, if I was shooting for 700 PPM nute solution and my tap water comes out at 300, do I go with 1000 PPM...
  6. SuperSmoker420

    My First White widow PICS questions

    That thing is rediculously tall. How big was it when you switched to flower?
  7. SuperSmoker420

    1st grow WW...comments/suggestions welcome

    So after doing a little research, I'm thinking 250 watts is not gonna be enough juice for 6 mature plants grown in 1 sq meter, even though I'll be lucky to have 4 females out of the six im growing right now. I want to make the switch to fem seeds to fully utilize the little space I have to grow...
  8. SuperSmoker420

    Saving bud from Mildew

    I took this from a very informative marijuana site: A variety of bacteria grow on damp marijuana. Many are deadly. Researchers have found _Klebsiella pneumoniae_, _Enterobacter cloacae_ and _Streptococcus_ (group D) growing in government-supplied reefer. _Salmonella muenchen_ was found in...
  9. SuperSmoker420

    Saving bud from Mildew

    I unknowingly smoked moldy weed a few years ago. It was some grade A that wasnt properly dried and when I got it I put about a quarter in my top drawer in an airtight container. Ran out of the first bag grabbed some out of the one in my drawer, packed a fat bowl in the bub and toked away. It was...
  10. SuperSmoker420

    1st grow WW...comments/suggestions welcome

    Just ordered everything I was missing to help make this a successful grow. GH pH control kit, TDS meter, and digital timer to maintain consistant light cycles. The only thing I dont have are additives other than my GH flora grow/bloom/micro. Should I be feeding anything else to maximize...
  11. SuperSmoker420

    Enhanced it worth it?

    I am currently using a 250W HPS putting out 28,500 lumens. I have a hydro setup, its about 1 square meter. There are 6 6" netpots that are positioned on the corners of a hexagon shaped rez and I've never done an indoor grow but the netpots seem to sit pretty close. I'm thinking they are going to...
  12. SuperSmoker420

    1st grow WW...comments/suggestions welcome

    All six plants have their first set of leaves, allbeit very small leaves poking out between the cotyledon. They have become quite spindly, I think I waited too long before putting them under the light (which I did this morning). They are all around 4-5 inches tall and a couple cannot support...
  13. SuperSmoker420

    On the ballot...

    As more and more states support medical marijuana and the number of medicinal users becomes greater and greater, due to the fact that many people would rather smoke weed than take potentially addictive pharmaceuticals, the government will not take long to realize the amazing taxing potential of...
  14. SuperSmoker420

    On the ballot...

    Voters in Michigan will have a chance to vote for the legalization of marijuana for medicinal purposes come this november. As this is the first step to decriminalization and overall legalization, I urge all Michigan voters to take the initiative and support the movement. Also, if there are any...
  15. SuperSmoker420

    White widow and blue berry by bongspit...

    Unless the seed came from a plant that pollinated itself, there is a chance it will be male. One plant must have both male and female flowers to guarentee a fem which doesnt really happen unless you know how to feminize, or it was grown with a feminized seed which have been known to herm when...
  16. SuperSmoker420

    1st grow WW...comments/suggestions welcome

    All my newly germinated seeds have really taken off in the last couple days. All three of the WW seeds are showing some real growth. So theres nothing wrong with the seeds and the first run was error on my part. Keeping a journal like this is helping me see my mistakes and correct them before...
  17. SuperSmoker420

    1st grow WW...comments/suggestions welcome

    Just checked on the new prospects. Once again the bagseed are really progressing much much faster with all 4 already showing green leaf. I hope I'm not having a repeat of what happened last time but I think I've fixed all my mistakes from the first time around. Cubes are moist but not sitting in...
  18. SuperSmoker420

    1st grow WW...comments/suggestions welcome

    So I trashed em all except one which finally started to show some life. I did actually use the paper towel method to germinate but I misinterpreted a grow guide I read and put the cubes in a water tray with way too much water. Needless to say those delicate taproots dont survive long when they...
  19. SuperSmoker420

    1st grow WW...comments/suggestions welcome

    I'm sad to say that theres no new growth, in any, at all. I believe I overwatered my seeds when they were only a few days old. I didnt realize the hole punched in the rockwool cubes goes down half way through the cube and when I first placed the cubes in the tray of water, the water level was...
  20. SuperSmoker420

    1st grow WW...comments/suggestions welcome

    Ok so I'm officially starting to lose my patience. I tore apart a couple of the cubes in which the seeds havent moved toward the surface and i was disappointed to see minimal taproot growth in three and no growth whatsoever in one. So I'm down to 6 now. Needless to say, I had to put them in new...