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  1. SuperSmoker420

    Are we alone?

    So I was watching tv the other day and this physicist guy said that there are 50 to 100 billion galaxies in the universe, each consisting of 50 to 100 billion planets of their own. I'm no mathmatician but thats a whole shitload of planets. So my question is how unique is our earth? Scientists...
  2. SuperSmoker420

    1st grow WW...comments/suggestions welcome

    I can see the seed shells inching slowly toward the surface in about half of them. The others are still not visable from the top. I noticed that a few of the seeds were at or below the surface of the water in the tray so I drained a little of the water out to keep them from drowning. Im seeing...
  3. SuperSmoker420

    1st grow WW...comments/suggestions welcome

    My seedlings have yet to come above the surface of the rockwool. I have the cubes sitting in a tray with water covering about the bottom 2/3 of the cubes. I had nothing to record the pH when I originally put the seeds in the rockwool, but I bought one and adjusted the pH to 5.5 yesterday...
  4. SuperSmoker420

    How should I suspend my light

    Hey guys I'm about to move my seedlings under my HPS and I was a bit curious as to how to hang the ballast. I'm growing in a room with an 8 ft ceiling. I was thinking maybe using those hooks you screw into your ceiling to hang plants from and use two of those with chains hanging down to the...
  5. SuperSmoker420

    1st grow WW...comments/suggestions welcome

    After many years of paying outrageous prices for kind bud, I have recently decided to try my hand at this whole homegrown thing. After doing some research, I ordered the essentials and I'm ready to go. I will be growing WW (nirvana) in a hydroponics setup (6 site drip w/ hydroton) under a 250W...