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  1. D

    flowering question

    would 15 mins a day be fine? thats the smallest my timer goes.
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    flowering question

    ill try switching the lights to 11/13 if it doesnt show signs in a few more days i guess. will that stress my other one into a hermy tho?
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    flowering question

    8-9 weeks to show signs of flowering? or u mean to finish . the pure kush says 9 weeks flowering to finish on the website, same with the great white shark, but the great white shark has yet to show signs :( so i guess its just gonna take longer.
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    flowering question

    i see...thanks for the reply. whats the longest it can take to start flowering?
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    flowering question

    hey riu, so right now i have 2 plants going and its day 14 flowering.they both are feminized seeds. my pure kush is showing more and more white hairs every day, and my great white shark has yet to show signs. is there anything i can do to induce flowering more? i really do not think there is...
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    Anyone else having this issue with forum link? manually type it in
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    is this normal?

    ive vegged for 6 weeks. its day 12 flowering now, still no sign on my great white shark . the pure kush is coming along nicely tho :D. im also growing indoor under a400w hps. hoping any day now it will show some white hairs.
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    is this normal?

    alright thanks calicat, i am growing greenhouse also :D
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    is this normal?

    right now i have pure kush and a great white shark fem plants going and its day 10 into flowering right now and the pure kush is showing clear signs of flowering but the great white shark isnt really showing any. is that normal? and if so how long can it take to show signs?
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    foxfarm nute question

    alrighty thx lokie. just gonna give straight water this time, then next will be flower nutes. it recommends on feed chart to also put in some of the big bloom with the tiger bloom, should i not do that?
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    foxfarm nute question

    kk thx for the advice all. ive been giving them water/feed/water schedule for veg. and its first week flowering and was just wondering if to give it water or nutes since i gave them veg nutes last week?? i think ima give it just water,maybe some micro nutes. and give some tiger bloom next watering
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    foxfarm nute question

    im using soil by the way
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    foxfarm nute question

    hey guys so i was just wondering. on the bottles of fox farm nutes it says use it every other watering.. but on the feed chart it says use twice a week. and i only water twice a week. so which do i go by?
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    switching to flowering question

    yea i feel my gallon up with water before i add nutes lol
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    switching to flowering question

    yea im using FFOF, ive only repotted one time from seedling to 3 gallon bucket. and thanks victory thats what im going by, is the feeding schedule. and was just making sure that i was reading it right when it says to mix all of them together.
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    switching to flowering question

    im using fox farm trio(grow big,tiger bloom,big bloom)
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    switching to flowering question

    thx obijohn, should i put that into my water as well as the flowerin nutes?
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    switching to flowering question

    alrighty thanks victory :D.
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    switching to flowering question

    heya all, so i got my first grow going right now and this thursday ill be switching to 12/12 on my 6 week old great white shark. and was wondering when do i give it the first dose of flowering nutes?
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    Best way to photograph with HPS lights?

    like u said, remove em from grow area :P the lines are prolly from the magnetic ballast