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  1. D

    Update on first grow and a question

    Well, so far the pass week has been freaking hell for my plants. Started off with some heat stress last week due to temps being too high in the closet,which i have been addressing and i think the new growth has been looking a lot better. But then last night my power went out and didnt come back...
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    o noooo!

    O yea my plants r in veg state now bout a month in. Do u think the light schedule will fuck them up?
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    o noooo!

    Soo its my first grow as some may know. And my plants went threw some heat stress but now my freaking power weent out last night around 11 hours after my light comes on. I couldnt put them outside yet cuz it was dark so i put them out when the sunrised this has reached temps of...
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    First Grow Question - Browning tips/yellow spots(pics included)

    new way i got it set up, i could only get the light to bout 3 and a half feet before the temp went over 85, so i hope that will be close enough :(
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    Nutrient question

    ok so the container says 1/4 tsp per gallon every watering, so what should i reduce that to? and it also says 1/2 tsp per gallon every 2 weeks.
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    Nutrient question

    hey everyone, so my plant is in veg right now 18/6 and im gonna be adding nutes soon. and i found this stuff in my garage called Jacks Classic Orchid Special, dont know if anyone has heard of it. But its 30-10-10 and that sounds bout right for veg. would that be fine to use?
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    First Grow Question - Browning tips/yellow spots(pics included)

    so i got a temp gauge and its reading 80-81 at about canopy level and 49-50% humidity,any1 think i can move my light down lower? or just not try cuz its in the 80s already
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    First Grow Question - Browning tips/yellow spots(pics included)

    i havent done any nutes at all. so i doubt its that :P mostly everyone agrees its heat stress im adressing it as we speak, and hopefully its been recovering. im gonna try misting tomorrow morning right before the light goes off. its hard cuz of the way i did the 18/6 it goes off at...
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    First Grow Question - Browning tips/yellow spots(pics included)

    So its been bout 2 days since ive left the door open and added the fan in there and the set of leaves above the really effected ones have brown tips now, could just now be showing signs of stress that it went threw before i dont know. and of course the old ones got worse. but heres some pics...
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    First Grow Question - Browning tips/yellow spots(pics included)

    The light is 4 and a half feet from the canopy right now. I have my shitty non digital thermometer right now sitting in between the 2 pots i got my plants in and its reading 82 max. i dont know if those things take the fan wind into effect if that even matters? i plan on getting a cheap digital...
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    First Grow Question - Browning tips/yellow spots(pics included)

    hey thx for reply Red1966. But i got the door open now all the time and my thermometer is reading way lower temps. i put a box fan in there too for more airflow. u think i could move the light back down more? and if so u think that will be good enough for 12/12? i put 2 covers over my windows...
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    12 inch pot = how big?

    from what ive read, the bigger the pot the bigger the plant. im no expert or anything. when the roots reach the bottom that means they want more space.
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    First Grow Question - Browning tips/yellow spots(pics included)

    is it rly that hard to click on a link?all i did was direct link instead of img code. lol id rather not get help from a stuck up dbag than any at all. especially since other normal people already have suggested things. so u cannot come back for all i care.
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    First Grow Question - Browning tips/yellow spots(pics included)

    thx for reply cannbosh. and yea i've moved my light up, and added a box fan to one side that ill be runnin 24/7.also im keeping my door open to exhaust some heat. and im gonna try and mist them right before light before the light goes off.
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    First Grow Question - Browning tips/yellow spots(pics included)

    so far with the door open they havent gotten any worse so i guess thats a good thing :D i also have a fem. greenhouse pure kush im growing too, thats only bout a day behind but is waaay smaller lol, but no burnt tips. the sharpie is for scale reference...
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    First Grow Question - Browning tips/yellow spots(pics included)

    Ok cool thanjs jonny, but yea i wasnt gonna water ever day or give them ferts i know thats bad lol dk what that guy was talking about
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    First Grow Question - Browning tips/yellow spots(pics included)

    adding a picture of my grow room(closet) to see what im working with. i raised the light a lot and gonna try keeping the door open. with the new way i got it set up it is way cooler in there. there is bout a extra...
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    First Grow Question - Browning tips/yellow spots(pics included)

    I do not want to shut it down because my plants will die :(. Ive read misting them with water is bad because once it evaporates it leaves hot spots. if thats not true, i will try that.
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    First Grow Question - Browning tips/yellow spots(pics included)

    alright, thanks SFguy. I checked them out today and the leaves on the white rhino r really scaring me, so dry and brittle! i hope they bounce back. i got the door open and also raised to light to bout 4 feet away.
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    First Grow Question - Browning tips/yellow spots(pics included)

    hey johnny thanks for the reply, does leaving the door open during dark time matter too? i do not go in there to manually to turn off my light, i have it on a timer so the door would still be left open during the 6 hours of dark and might get light in it, that wont matter during veg?