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  1. chronicals of chronic

    Nutrients for soil grows

    I didn't really want time release neither bro
  2. chronicals of chronic

    Nutrients for soil grows

    My bad its .06 .02 .05
  3. chronicals of chronic

    Nutrients for soil grows

    I know this stuff was expensive its npk is .05 .06 .02
  4. chronicals of chronic

    Nutrients for soil grows

    It was 30 a bag for 2 cu
  5. chronicals of chronic

    Nutrients for soil grows

    That was what i was gunna get happy frog and ocean forest 50/50 mix but the asshole at the hydro store told me to get this rainforest blend but n.e ways i just read if my tips of leaves are twisted a little and new growth is yellowing i probably had the light to close..
  6. chronicals of chronic

    Nutrients for soil grows

    My other 2 grows i didnt have the light that close at all figured i try it this time guess i had a dumb moment
  7. chronicals of chronic

    Nutrients for soil grows

    Im telling u the tips are just twisted a little i have my other plants in reg potting soil no nutes yet and the have some twisted tips
  8. chronicals of chronic

    Nutrients for soil grows

    Assuming makes us both look dumb LMAO it is my third grow bro not my fourth or fifth or sixth u understand im learning trial and error getting hands on thought as long as i wasn't burning them i could put the light as close as i wanted have a really good fan on my cool tube but light was way to...
  9. chronicals of chronic

    Nutrients for soil grows

    My last grow was perfect the leaves turned a little bit to but never yellowed this pheno does that turns the tips of some leaves even my healthy clones got some tips of leaves like that
  10. chronicals of chronic

    Nutrients for soil grows

    I had my 1000w mh abot 5 -6 inches away just moved it up this morning why dont u think its light bleach
  11. chronicals of chronic

    Nutrients for soil grows

    There was a pic of a plant with light bleaching i foundvand guess it was taken down u said and yes this is my plant from yesterday same plant i been having problems with bro and if u have seen it why haven't u mentioned it to me it definitely looks like light bleaching
  12. chronicals of chronic

    Nutrients for soil grows

    What?? I did not know that are you getting mad??
  13. chronicals of chronic

    Nutrients for soil grows

    This is a plant with light burn Thats not my plant tho but check mine kinda the same
  14. chronicals of chronic

    Nutrients for soil grows

    How?? My meter says 7.0 i cant get runoff water yet cause i don't want to water plants if they're overwatered
  15. chronicals of chronic

    Nutrients for soil grows

    Every plant im putting in this sunshine rainforest blend does not like it i never used this soil wth is wrong with this soil
  16. chronicals of chronic

    Nutrients for soil grows

    Would it be fine to just switch to 18/6
  17. chronicals of chronic

    Nutrients for soil grows

    I run 1000w mh 24/7
  18. chronicals of chronic

    Nutrients for soil grows

    Watered late last night these are sour diesel clones i cut 30 all successful and 15 Blue mystic from seed
  19. chronicals of chronic

    Nutrients for soil grows

    Start in these pots
  20. chronicals of chronic

    Nutrients for soil grows

    I wait till soil is dry squeeze gently on sides of pot put two fingers like an upside down horizontal peace sign put the bottom of the stem in between my fingers and tip the pot up side down then place on top of soil in new bucket and fill the rest of the bucket up all around roots with soil and...