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  1. chronicals of chronic

    Nutrients for soil grows

    Maybe?? Didn't seem to rough but could've been.
  2. chronicals of chronic

    soil grow help pleeease!!!

    I have that same ph solution and tester kit but yea i was thinking overwatering to bro thanks alot man appreciate info
  3. chronicals of chronic

    soil grow help pleeease!!!

    Yea idek guys
  4. chronicals of chronic

    soil grow help pleeease!!!

    How are they junk cause they give you the ph?? And the measure the light and moisture also
  5. chronicals of chronic

    soil grow help pleeease!!!

    I wasn't trying to be rude at all if it sounded that way i'm sorry it was a real question wouldn't the others do the same thing thats all i was asking i like your advice thank you for all the info
  6. chronicals of chronic

    soil grow help pleeease!!!

    So why would this plant in the same soil as others with same ph have a problem and the others just be ok
  7. chronicals of chronic

    soil grow help pleeease!!!

    The other ones were planted 2 or 3 days after the bad one but the second one is now starting to do it to
  8. chronicals of chronic

    soil grow help pleeease!!!

    Look more like overwatering but i really dont even know so add sulfur huh i'm going to do that then
  9. chronicals of chronic

    soil grow help pleeease!!!

    They don't have green veins or really look like an iron deficiency
  10. chronicals of chronic

    soil grow help pleeease!!!

    Never had this problem with the regular jiffy potting soil is it this soil??
  11. chronicals of chronic

    soil grow help pleeease!!!

    No brown spots at all just leaves very light green on all the shoots and new growth
  12. chronicals of chronic

    soil grow help pleeease!!!

    Yea you are right bro I'll def keep that in mind next transplant it's only my 3rd grow i'm use to having shitty humidity in my tent so i water everyday or every other day now my humidity is perfect 50% but i screwed up and kept watering them also my other grows temps where 80 -90 now i fixed...
  13. chronicals of chronic

    soil grow help pleeease!!!

    Soil felt dry when i dried it with a fan but must've stll been wet glad i found my meter today these plants are full of water...
  14. chronicals of chronic

    soil grow help pleeease!!!

    Is that a statement or question bro i'm not understanding the help you trying to give me.
  15. chronicals of chronic

    soil grow help pleeease!!!

    Its the second transplant
  16. chronicals of chronic

    soil grow help pleeease!!!

    My meter is not in my soil right now so its reading doesn't matter in pic but you are right needle was at 7.5 in my soil but the moisture setting the needle was all the way to the right to wet i think
  17. chronicals of chronic

    soil grow help pleeease!!!

    I know your right is that causing my issues??
  18. chronicals of chronic

    soil grow help pleeease!!!

    I think i over water them..
  19. chronicals of chronic

    soil grow help pleeease!!!

    Soil ph 7.5