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  1. D

    HELP!! Extreme emergency

    Did your plant ever come back sasarchiver?
  2. D

    HELP!! Extreme emergency

    I forgot to add, I dont believe that it was the light cycle that caused it, I believe it was over watering. Because when I transplanted it the dirt it was in was like mud, and it had about 6 inch's of standing water in the bottom of the container.
  3. D

    HELP!! Extreme emergency

    I had about a 4 foot plant growing indoors under 600 Watts of flourescent lighting. It was growing beautifully untill I switched it to 12-12 light cycle. It started yellowing and within a few days went from looking like the pic I added, do being all drooped and baby is dieing...
  4. D

    *Tear* I cut my plant!

    Man, today is a sad day for me. I cut the top off of my plant to clone it. Why is it sad? because my once beautiful plant now looks stunted somehow. But, the plants overall health will improve drastically from me doing it, and I will end up with a second plant hopefully, if I dont kill the...
  5. D


    Hmm, Im a complete newb, but maybe I can help. There are 2 things that may help, and this helped mine when it started to do that. Do you water your plant alot? or a little bit? It could be caused from either over watering, or under watering. If thats the case, change up your watering a little...
  6. D

    List of supplies needed please.

    Yeah, I didnt keep the lights right above it. I had the likes like 5 feet above it when it was a baby, and that made it grow really tall and stretchy. I had to put a stick on it to keep it up. But hey, now it turned out as you see it now. so I didnt mess up to bad.
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    Oh also, sorry for posting this pic so many times, but how much (weight) do you think I would get off of this single plant when it buds? (if its female, do males bud at all?)
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    What exactly is a Hydroponics store? I've never seen a Hydro store before? are yall referring to some other type of store that you just call a hydroponics store? or what?
  9. D


    Where can I buy a bag system like that? Also, is that hash better than black gummy hash? Thats the type of stuff I've made before. That stuff looks easier to handle and use. Also, I have one of those screen grinders. But I only smoke weed like 2-3 weeks out of the year (ill go 4-6 months...
  10. D

    List of supplies needed please.

    Oh, btw. Do you have any idea what type of strain my plant is?
  11. D


    Ok, I have a question. How do I collect the trichomes off of the buds? And are they crystal like? If so, how much per bud is normal? (id like to fill a little baggie with just trichomes, wouldent that be cool? haha)
  12. D

    List of supplies needed please.

    Nodes? sorry, Im stupid.
  13. D

    List of supplies needed please.

    What is a HPS light? I dont know the abbreviations of the different kinds of lights? Could someone tell me?
  14. D

    List of supplies needed please.

    Ok, I want yalls opinion. That plant that is on the above picture, is touching the lights now. And I have JUST started the 12 on 12 off light cycle like 2 days ago. It will grow more before it starts to bud Im sure. So, I want yalls opinion of what I should do. Should I cut where lumberjack...
  15. D

    List of supplies needed please.

    Oh, right now. I was also wanting to know what I should do to make this plant I have (which Im praying, and thinking, that its female) to make it produce alot more buds. Im not going to go buy anymore lights or anything like that, because this is just an experimental grow (being my first one) to...
  16. D

    List of supplies needed please.

    yeah, its my first grow to, and this is what my plant looks like. Should I trim the tops any? and if so, how many inch's?
  17. D

    List of supplies needed please.

    Sorry for another reply. Again, I must add to the previous post. I would like to also know the different nurtrients that are made for what (such as producing strong stems, or making them flower good, I know NOTHING about growing) I would also like to know what type of lights I need for each...
  18. D

    List of supplies needed please.

    Also, I would like to know where I can get all of the supplies to. Because I am not familier with any places that sells nurtrients and places like that. So if you could give me a list of supplies, and then a list of where to get the supplies, it would be awesome. Thanks all. Jon
  19. D

    List of supplies needed please.

    ok, maybe this is a stupid question, but I know you guys can answer it. I have only grown 1 plant before, and its still growing. I am a complete newb. What I was wanting to know, is if you guys could give me a complete, detailed list of everything (Everything from nutrients to lights to dirt...
  20. D

    Is this even marijuana?

    Sorry, I made a mistake in my above post. I didnt buy the 2 flourescent light fixtures untill about a month later. I got a little 2 foot flourescent light and a drop light (100 watt drop light an the flourescent was like 20 watts). and that was the light I used till it got about 2 1/2 feet tall...