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  1. newGrows

    Why so slow?

    Have you considered repotting in fresh unwatered soil. That should speed up the process of drying from a week to 20 minutes.
  2. newGrows

    How to make your own Genetically Modified Cannabis.

    What's with all the moralizing… can we get to some problems worth our time? I don't think this belongs in diy because getting some of the gfp coding protein is outrageously expensive. And that's just a simple protein to let me know that the transfer of other genes (probably) occurred. It will...
  3. newGrows

    Help first time grower using cfls

    Mine all took 3-6 days. I was worrying the whole time. Plants just don't move fast.
  4. newGrows

    What kind of deficiency is this ?

    It really bothers me that no one followed up on this. Op, what solved your problem? Pics of the results?
  5. newGrows


    So the answer for op is… don't do that. Is the 18/6 schedule used just to save electricity compared with 24/0? Is there any reason to be doing 18/6 over 24/0 from the perspective of the plant, assuming that electricity is not a limiting factor?
  6. newGrows

    Tested Soil W/ Rapitest, Chart Says LOW N...

    I know this thread is old but… did you use rapidest 4 in one meter? because mine doesn't differentiate nutes, there are just 3 levels which somehow combines the three nutrients. How could you tell it's very low phosphorous medium potash and there's no problem with nitrogen?
  7. newGrows

    Yellowing from the middle out

    This plant was transplanted yesterday from a pure organic soil medium into a mix of about 30-40% perlite and the rest being some of the same soil which I added 2 tablespoons of dolomitic lime plus about 32 oz of water and drained out about half that water before replanting. That soil contains...
  8. newGrows

    pH meter

    the TDS meter measures ppm of stuff. So can it measure ppm of OH and H and then use that to calculate pH? And that's more accurate? It sounds like more work but if the accuracy is much better i'm willing to go through that. Or maybe you use this because you do hydro and not soil? I googled...
  9. newGrows

    pH meter

    I've been searching through the forums for information about a quality pH meter and saw a link to this product meter But it doesn't look like it can be used to test...
  10. newGrows

    Soil water retention

    Thanks for all the information. I'm running into some problems that seem to be caused by overwatering (bending stems, yellow drooping leaves). I just got a water meter and even days after just lightly misting my pots the meter is at about a 5/10. Probably because i'm just using cfl's so there...
  11. newGrows

    Soil water retention

    I've got some really high quality organic soil (at least thats what the price would lead me to believe...). It contains some kind of seed hulls and woodchips in addition to dirt (is what i can tell is in it by eye) I'm afraid the water retention is too high for seedlings though for the reasons...
  12. newGrows

    Soil water retention

    If I choose to use soil, should I be looking for one with high or low water retention?
  13. newGrows

    Marijuana Seeds

    Just showing up to quickly rep seedsman. Great, fast service. 10/10 would use them again, and this is coming from someone who literally couldn't get anything out of other companies, made mistakes, and lost a bunch of dollars along the way. thank you seedsman.
  14. newGrows

    Two (hopefully) easy problems

    Heres a picture of what im looking at, these moldy looking bits aren't native to the soil because i'm growing some clones of the plant that dont have any of these... anybody know what it is, what it do, and what I should do about it? Secondly there are two tiny leaves growing out of each node...
  15. newGrows

    5th Official Party Cup Registration

    In to watch, may enter later.
  16. newGrows

    Anyone ever use American Plant organic potting soil?

    how could anyone with a signature like yours be wrong about anything.
  17. newGrows


    heres an image of what it looks like. Apperently many flowerbuds can pop up on one stem. Is this possible with cannabis?
  18. newGrows

    Anyone ever use American Plant organic potting soil?

    How did it perform?
  19. newGrows


    I've been doing some reading of threads on this forum and other sources with mixed results. I'm hoping we can create a place where the best way to germinate is more clearly defined. It seems that there are three methods. 1) Dunk it in water 2) Moist paper towel 3) Moist soil/ rockwool 1) Seems...
  20. newGrows

    First timer cfl grow

    Bump for interest. How'd everything turn out? So to recap, just dunking the seed in water kills, no difference between paper towel vs just tossing in moist soil. What kind of fan are you using? Did you ever switch to hps lights? Pics of the result? I'm more interested in the conclusion of this...