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  1. newGrows

    What would YOU do if you had $200-300 to build a GrowBox?

    I can build a pretty sweet aero setup for $50. that leaves $250 for a fan and lights so you can go big and get an HID … no tent though, you will need a closet or even just a corner of a room and a bit of diy. Also that's a wicked cool avatar.
  2. newGrows

    Week 5-6 of 12/12 yellow dying leaves

    how long have those brown spots / crinkling, drying leaves been going on? Also if you're plants don't have enough nutes why are you flushing again?
  3. newGrows

    LST & Nutrients

    im interested because i just did the same with insulated garden wire (so cutting isn't the problem) and noticed a huge jump in nutrient problems… but it might just be a coincidence. I didn't think lst would mess with nutrient needs, ill go read more.
  4. newGrows

    Not enough water or something else??(pics)

    I've noticed plants droop a lot both from over and under watering. The questions i always ask myself are: how long has it been since i watered. how big is my container Does it feel light when i pick it up If i poke a hole an inch or two deep is the soil moist I wouldn't trust me on the copper/...
  5. newGrows

    Apollo ballast users DO NOT USE USHIO BULBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i know its a bit off topic, but has anyone noticed no difference when dimming 50 75 or 100%?
  6. newGrows

    Foliar spray

    If I have acute (and severe) nutrient problems can a foliar spray help fix them faster than just feeding through the roots?
  7. newGrows

    Not enough water or something else??(pics)

    looks like copper/zinc plus under watered to me
  8. newGrows

    Leaf life

    Can bud be produced at nodes where leaves have been partially destroyed by nutrient problems?
  9. newGrows

    Early nutrients

    What are people doing for nutrients in one of two situations: Aero setup devoted to clones Aero setup devoted to Seeds It seems like many people here are using just water and a bit of indole butyric acid (from whatever company you prefer) but others may be using small amounts of nutrients...
  10. newGrows

    HELP please

    I've got an update and it doesn't look good. As you can see there are 3 colas one main and two tiny ones on the top left and bottom left of the picture, though you can only really see the top left one, just trust that the one on the bottom left looks about the same. Why is the main cola having...
  11. newGrows

    How does flushing not result in overwatering

    yea sorry about the multiple threads that are related thing I made this thread just because I was afraid that flushing (the most common suggestion) was a troll idea and wanted to know if it is actually a safe thing to do. An update: I flushed the plant, she drooped like normal from overwatering...
  12. newGrows

    How does flushing not result in overwatering

    oops… the background: 5 gallon pot but only a 30 day old seedling. about 7 inches tall at this point, 5 nodes. 400 watts metal hallide. Humidity 30% Temp ~80 F Does that change any answers? Im gonna go out on a limb here and guess cannanasturagora has got some 4 ft tall plants. And vstok...
  13. newGrows

    How does flushing not result in overwatering

    Overwatering is more about frequency than amount, if I give a massive amount of water to correct pH and nutrient problems (like a gallon per 5 gallon pot) once a week would that be overwatering? Yes? No?
  14. newGrows

    Leaf Discoloration

    Just thought I'd repeat that those last couple pictures are definitely heat stressed. I still haven't figured out how to get rid of the brown spots but I recognize heat stress in half a second. CFL's have a really small sweetspot between the too close for heat and too far because of poor light...
  15. newGrows

    is this cal mag deficiency???

    Ressurecting this thread because I don't know how to tell the difference between magnesium and manganese deficiency. The only place I can find manganese is in a multivitamin… is there anything in there that can hurt a plant in large doses? I'm looking at huge amounts of vitamin c vitamin b6 and...
  16. newGrows

    HELP please

    My tds meter finally arrived! My tap water (purified with a pur filter) is 200. I added 1/2 ml of cal mag to 32oz of water (full strength for a seedling). That brought the ppm from 200 to 347. pH to 7.9 (i forgot to measure before). added 10 drops of pH down to get pH at 6.5 brought tds to 356...
  17. newGrows

    HELP please

    Ok i'm gonna answer as much as I can here in this post. but first an update. After just 2 days with the new lighting, every leaf, even the bottom ones in the shade have shown massive increases. the total wattage increase from cfl to metal halide has only been about 100 watts, but the difference...
  18. newGrows

    HELP please

    Im at 45 days today. I just took a few pictures. One includes a 6 inch hammer handle for scale. You will notice that the lower leaves are burnt and some are completely dead, the new growth is beautiful but very slow. Also I recently removed my side lighting but i used to have side lights so...
  19. newGrows

    HELP please

    I started a fine young girl at the same time as the solo cup people. I've kept quiet for awhile but heres the issue. They are all doing amazing and mine is just… sitting around a couple inches high with 4 nodes very closely spaced and still hasn't even shown sex yet. Specs: Lighting: previously...
  20. newGrows

    An interesting situation

    There's only 2 decent explanations i've been able to come up with 1. bugs 2. the moisture retention mixed with temps of 50 degrees at night caused some kind of incredibly rapid decay something about perlite being completely inert saved the seedlings but i'm not sure what it is.