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  1. P

    1st attempt Costa Rica, newb here.

    I just recently moved to Costa Rica and am attempting my first outdoor grow. I had one indoor attempt when I lived in Colorado that ended up failing. I am intrigued by the idea of letting nature take its course and providing me some good homegrown smoke. Being as it's Costa Rica and there are...
  2. P

    2 weeks in, first grow, Lowryder 2. *Pics*

    Yes, I am actually seriously considering a move to Costa Rica, it's a great place.
  3. P

    *Pics* First Grow. Can you tell what the problem is?

    This is week 3, feminized Lowryder 2. I am using Fox Farm Ocean Forest. I noticed no issues until yesterday when I went to water. This is what my plants looked like before I watered them. I had not been using any nutrients and actually planned on adding nutrients for the first time on the 3rd...
  4. P

    2 weeks in, first grow, Lowryder 2. *Pics*

    Here are a couple of pictures from week 3. Hopefully more of you will input to a couple of my questions. I'm still wondering from last week if I should switch to 2700k lights and ditch the 6500ks. I ended up adding nutrients for the first time because when I came in my plant had those...
  5. P

    2 weeks in, first grow, Lowryder 2. *Pics*

    Hey, here is a couple of pics of my first grow. I bought feminized Lowryder 2. How does she look? Right now I have 5 26-watt 5600k cfls and 3 40-watt 2700k cfls. Couple of questions, should I replace the 5600ks with 2700ks at this point? Also, I was thinking about introducing some nutrients...
  6. P

    Can you look at these pics and tell me what's wrong?

    This is my first grow ever. This popped thru the soil 1 week ago. It is feminized Lowryder 2. I have a total of 8 lights. 5 are 26 watt 6500k and the other 3 are 40 watt 2700k. I also have another 1 week old in there which is not growing as fast, but not having this issue. I am keeping them as...
  7. P

    First grow, day 1 of veg. Couple ?'s w/pics.

    Right on. Didn't realize I should be using 2700k. I thought I read someone with the auto flowering strains 6500k would be good from start to finish. I'll start thinking about what direction I'm going to go. This HPS you speak of, do they run a lot hotter than CFLs? I have a small grow area...
  8. P

    First grow, day 1 of veg. Couple ?'s w/pics.

    Earnie, thanks for the information. Sounds like at a minimum I need to get a stronger CFL. I'm out for personal smoke only this first grow. I picked Lowryder and a smallish grow area on purpose to get the hang of this. At the same time though I don't want to short the potential of my plants...
  9. P

    First grow, day 1 of veg. Couple ?'s w/pics.

    My seeds were planted on Saturday afternoon and these pics were taken just now. I have a couple of questions. First of all, I have read the closer the lights the better as long as your hand can handle it. The problem I noticed is that it dried my soil out very quick. Is that ok? Should I water...
  10. P

    First grow almost underway. Pics of setup, looking for suggestions/comments.

    Here are the sized pots I'm using also.
  11. P

    First grow almost underway. Pics of setup, looking for suggestions/comments.

    Hey everyone. My first grow is ready to get started. I have two Lowryder 2 feminized seeds that are germinated and ready to go. I decided on Lowryder 2 for speed of growth from start to finish, and it also seems somewhat easy. I have pics of those and the soil and nutrients that will be used...