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  1. T

    2nd Indoor Grow, 9 Plants, 1 48w cfl, 2 28w cfls, 1 23w....

    i figured out they where just root bound, didnt no what i was thinking leaving them in a tiny pot for a month, i relized the plants werent growing but the roots were... and a bit of the bottom roots were a bit brown from over watering when i transplanted them....
  2. T

    2nd Indoor Grow, 9 Plants, 1 48w cfl, 2 28w cfls, 1 23w....

    Gettin the flood and drain ready....
  3. T

    2nd Indoor Grow, 9 Plants, 1 48w cfl, 2 28w cfls, 1 23w....

  4. T

    2nd Indoor Grow, 9 Plants, 1 48w cfl, 2 28w cfls, 1 23w....

    yeah pretty much dried it all, here are some pix ive repotted them and ive got hps a bit over a metre over the plants. there about a month old,seem to be real small for how old they are...
  5. T

    2nd Indoor Grow, 9 Plants, 1 48w cfl, 2 28w cfls, 1 23w....

    im aware of all that, at the start i had 1 2700k 48w in there but it seemed to hot, the soil would dry to quick and all the leaves where real yellow then i got rid of it an now they growin... i couldnt help myself had to put the hps up... reppotted most of the plant ill post some more pics today...
  6. T

    2nd Indoor Grow, 9 Plants, 1 48w cfl, 2 28w cfls, 1 23w....

    Found out i can buy a 600w hps off a mate 2morow, should i swap the lights and use the hps? or would it grow quicker with the cfls having the right spectrem... anyone?
  7. T

    2nd Indoor Grow, 9 Plants, 1 48w cfl, 2 28w cfls, 1 23w....

    i was thinking they were a bit small for there age? yeah i did add a bit to much nutes, dont worry not plannin on budding with cfls, just made shitty bush bud from last grow, gonna get a full setup goin, buyin 2 400w hps and 1 600w hps off ebay in the next week or 2...
  8. T

    2nd Indoor Grow, 9 Plants, 1 48w cfl, 2 28w cfls, 1 23w....

    Hey this is my 2nd indoor grow, got 9 plants on the go most are still seedlings there all roughly 3 - 4 weeks. Growing with 1 48w cfl, 2 28w cfls, and 1 23w. using some random soil from bunnings and for nutes im using nitrosol liquid organic blood and bone... anyone got any tips on my setup or...
  9. T

    First Indoor Closet Grow

    bought a 48W 3000k cfl on the 30th, plus the 28W 5000k cfl which is 76W total, (does any1 no if that will be enough for a descent yeild)???
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    First Indoor Closet Grow

    36 days old, 2 days flowering...
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    First Indoor Closet Grow

    35 days old, 1 day flowering...
  12. T

    First Indoor Closet Grow

    moved out of home on the 29th, heres the new setup.
  13. T

    when should i start flowering? 27 days old...

    repotted my plant 2day, this is my dodgy setup up with not really any ventalation.
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    when should i start flowering? 27 days old...

    yeah man im not too sure, only thing i could think of is watering too much, but if your watering every 3 days dunno. could get more better as they get bigger an more leaves. wat sort of lights you using??
  15. T

    when should i start flowering? 27 days old...

    ok gonna wait few more weeks, its just a randon seed, how many watts will i need when i start flowering? the biggest cfl i found around my area was a 48w cfl that came in 5000k or 3000k, will 1 off those be good enough for 1 plant?
  16. T

    when should i start flowering? 27 days old...

    ok sic thanx for the advice, will wait another 2 weeks, an will repot in a week or so....
  17. T

    when should i start flowering? 27 days old...

    this is my first indoor grow, its about 27 days old growing under a 28w 5000k cfl ,18/6,when do you think i should start flowering? could i start now and hav more than just 1 head growin?
  18. T

    First Indoor Closet Grow

    25 Days gettin bigger!
  19. T

    First Indoor Closet Grow

    22 days 23 days 24 days