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  1. T

    First Indoor Closet Grow

    19 days 20 days 21 days
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    First Indoor Closet Grow

    18 days repotted 1 plant
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    First Indoor Closet Grow

    15 Days
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    First Indoor Closet Grow

    10 Days
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    First Indoor Closet Grow

    7 Days Old
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    First Indoor Closet Grow

    hey this is my first indoor closet grow, its about 26 days old under a 28w 5000k cfl, im a bit late for this journal thing but ill post all the old pics upto 2day.... first can any1 tell me how to put pics on here without the tag so you can just see it on the page???
  7. T

    first indoor grow

    yeah i would give 24 hours but my parents room are next door and at night it shines through my cupboard an makes me paranoid lol, and i dont hav a fan or anything so dont really wanna seal it rite up, its 5000k if thats wat yah mean, yah gave it liquid blood an bone an it grew heaps the next...
  8. T

    first indoor grow

    hey this my first indoor grow, its about 21 or 22 days old, used a 14w cfl the first week and a half till i bought a 28w, its gettin 18 hours light, is this a normal size for its age?
  9. T

    Two weeks old

    hi why use 2 florescent lights? is 1 enough? ive got 2 sprouts bout 9 days old an ive been using 1 15w flourescent they bout over an inch...