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  1. ns420

    Need help... trying to get up and running, when should I clone & flower? First grow

    Still hoping to get some advice on when to move to 12/12....
  2. ns420

    Need help... trying to get up and running, when should I clone & flower? First grow

    Thanks for the replies... but I am still unsure when to take clones, and should I wait to move to 12/12 after taking clones or would I be better off going straight to flower after taking cuttings?
  3. ns420

    Need help... trying to get up and running, when should I clone & flower? First grow

    Hello, I have been trying to figure out the best plan of attack... this is my first grow... I have a total of 9 plants, one White Widow (Fem) is about 6 weeks old from seed (12" tall), the rest are all 2 weeks old from seed (3-4" tall). The additional plants (2 weeks old) are White Widow...
  4. ns420

    Best 400 Watt Bulb to use for vegging?

    I think I am going to go ahead and order this bulb: Anyone know of a better deal on the Philips Master Color CMH 400w MH conversion bulb?
  5. ns420

    Best 400 Watt Bulb to use for vegging?

    According to everything I have been able to find the Eye Hortilux Metal Ace Conversion Bulb - 400W is the only one that will work with my 400 Watt HPS ballast, and it only emits 36,600 lumens. As I can not afford a new ballast at the moment I need to find something that works with the setup I...
  6. ns420

    Best 400 Watt Bulb to use for vegging?

    Any opinions?
  7. ns420

    Best 400 Watt Bulb to use for vegging?

    Anyone have any opinions on this? Thanks.
  8. ns420

    Best 400 Watt Bulb to use for vegging?

    Hmm, read a few articles about CRI with very different opinions... seems some claim low CRI is best while others feel high CRI is best. Which opinion should I believe?
  9. ns420

    Best 400 Watt Bulb to use for vegging?

    I was considering doing CMH, but the best CMH bulb I have been able to find is this one: MasterColor Ceramic Metal Halide - 400 Watt Horizontal Specifications: * Phillips...
  10. ns420

    Best 400 Watt Bulb to use for vegging?

    Hello, I am looking for some recommendations on what bulb to use for vegging. I plan on purchasing one today, and putting the bulb I am using now away to keep as a backup for when the new one fails. I have a 400 Watt HPS ballast, that runs MH conversion bulbs. This is the light I am using...
  11. ns420

    First time grower. 17 day old seedlings. How do they look?

    I have been thinking about what would cause the nute burn, and today I remembered that a few days ago I added an inch or so of Fox Farms Ocean Forrest soil to the two larger plants... would adding nutrient rich soil on the top of the soil cause nutrient burn? Should I hold off on watering them...
  12. ns420

    First time grower. 17 day old seedlings. How do they look?

    Thanks! At least I think that was a compliment? lol :joint:
  13. ns420

    First time grower. 17 day old seedlings. How do they look?

    Yeah I was thinking it was nute burn. I doubt it would be heat issues, seeing as it's on the lowest leaves (farthest from my light) and I have a very well vented grow area... running just the 400 Watt MH I have had to keep the thermostat turned up a couple degrees higher than normal to keep...
  14. ns420

    First time grower. 17 day old seedlings. How do they look?

    Nah, not from Canada. Pretty close though, lol, I am in Michigan.
  15. ns420

    First time grower. 17 day old seedlings. How do they look?

    70% OF and 30% Perlite, and this just started today, it's been over a week since I transplanted.
  16. ns420

    First time grower. 17 day old seedlings. How do they look?

    Wait... are you referring to the cotyledon (aka seed leaves)? Those shrived up about a week ago... I am talking about the yellowing of the lower leaves on the lowest node...
  17. ns420

    First time grower. 17 day old seedlings. How do they look?

    Oh I see, thanks! Anyone see anything else I should be concerned about?
  18. ns420

    First time grower. 17 day old seedlings. How do they look?

    Here's some updated pics. Things seem to be coming along nicely. I topped my plants about 48 hours ago, and am already starting to see additional under growth starting on both plants. Several seedlings I germinated last week are doing amazing, and are not having any of the issues my previous...