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  1. ns420

    Best cheap and reliable PH & Moisture tester?

    Has anyone used one of these and know how well they work?
  2. ns420

    Best cheap and reliable PH & Moisture tester?

    Anyone?? :( 100+ views and no one has a recommendation for a moisture meter that works reliably??
  3. ns420

    Best cheap and reliable PH & Moisture tester?

    Bump, still searching! :joint:
  4. ns420

    Best cheap and reliable PH & Moisture tester?

    I was advised to avoid anything that looks like that meter, as it destroys the roots of the plants and from what I am told are pretty much too inaccurate to be worth a crap.
  5. ns420

    Best cheap and reliable PH & Moisture tester?

    Still looking for a good combination moisture/ph tester. Are there not any out there?
  6. ns420

    Best cheap and reliable PH & Moisture tester?

    Anyone? Thanks in advance for any input.
  7. ns420

    First time grower. 17 day old seedlings. How do they look?

    Thanks. There's no benefit to being able to check the PPM of the soil to make sure I don't overdue nutrients? Also is it typical for 2 plants to stink up an entire room at 4" tall? Or is it an indication of some nice stinky genetics?
  8. ns420

    Best cheap and reliable PH & Moisture tester?

    Lol, that was the same model that the last guy recommended. :eyesmoke: What about something like this: Springfield Wireless Moisture Meter with Indoor/Outdoor Thermometer ? I know it doesn't do PH, but I have the vial/fluid PH...
  9. ns420

    Best cheap and reliable PH & Moisture tester?

    Awesome, thanks for posting that. I have a Lowes a couple miles from my house, and you can't beat $10 :D
  10. ns420

    Best cheap and reliable PH & Moisture tester?

    Hello, I am looking for the cheapest PH and Moisture tester, that gives reliable and at least somewhat accurate results. If anyone has any recommendations I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks! bongsmilie
  11. ns420

    First time grower. 17 day old seedlings. How do they look?

    Yeah, I need to pick up a moisture meter, a PH meter, and one of those TDS meters (to test soil / nutrient ppm) ... Anyone happen to have a recommendation on where to find them cheap? I also noticed today that the smell of my little girls is VERY strong (in the veg room with the inline fan...
  12. ns420

    First time grower. 17 day old seedlings. How do they look?

    Oh, when should I top? I have read people saying a week or two before flower, and others saying a week or even two into flowering.... Also I plan on keeping a mother plants, taking clones from them, and flowering the clones... should I top the mother? Or just the ones I am going to flower?
  13. ns420

    First time grower. 17 day old seedlings. How do they look?

    Ah yeah, I will definitely be posting more pics as things progress. :) I highly appreciate all the opinions and tips, you all have been a tremendous help for someone that's an absolute newbie like myself. :) I also just noticed signs that my Dutch Passion Strawberry Cough and my other Northern...
  14. ns420

    First time grower. 17 day old seedlings. How do they look?

    Yeah I agree, thought I think I am starting to understand how to successfully water, without over or under watering (I have seen no signs of under or over watering the past 10 days anyways). Did you see the new pics I posted tonight? They are really looking so much better than they where just...
  15. ns420

    First time grower. 17 day old seedlings. How do they look?

    Well these seedlings suffered some pretty severe shock by being severely over watered for the first week, then transplanted at only a week old. Both of the larger seedlings showed no growth for several days due to my initial over watering. They have since took off in the past week or so since...
  16. ns420

    First time grower. 17 day old seedlings. How do they look?

    Thanks man. I planned on doing LST, however I was told that topping would result in additional time before harvest, and I need my first harvest as quick as possible, and I am willing to give up a little yield for a speedier harvest. Would I gain enough by topping to be worth it?
  17. ns420

    First time grower. 17 day old seedlings. How do they look?

    Here's some updated pictures. I have had several more seedlings sprout (that I planted on the 9th, directly in moist soil, no pre-soaking or pre-germination). My girls are looking bigger and healthier every single day, and the new sprouts are growing very quickly under the 400 watt MH. One...
  18. ns420

    First time grower. 17 day old seedlings. How do they look?

    My veg area is about 4'x4', and I planned on putting my taller plants on the side (as they get larger) with the shorter plants in the middle in order to get maximum usage out of my growing area. I only plan on vegging to 18-20" tall, so I am hoping the 400watt proves to be enough to get started...
  19. ns420

    First time grower. 17 day old seedlings. How do they look?

    Thanks for the advice, they are looking great and both have added a considerable amount of growth since the last photos I posted, though the lighter plant seems to be packing it on a bit faster. I have them 18" from the bottom of the light, and can hold my hand at the top of my plants for a...
  20. ns420

    Affordable thermostat fan speed controller?

    I am looking for an inexpensive way to control my noisy inline exhaust fan in order to help control noise, the temps in my room, and help reduce the electricity used. Is there an inexpensive fan speed controller that uses a thermostat to help regulate grow room temps by controlling the speed...