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  1. Kappa

    1 week into flowering, Too soon??

    both pics 3&5 are the same plant, im hoping its a female, i had a feeling the first one was but wasnt sure.
  2. Kappa

    1 week into flowering, Too soon??

    2 plants grown under cfl's and cool white flourescent hood, wondering if its too soon to sex them.
  3. Kappa

    Are they ready yet?????? (pics) 8 weeks flowering

    I believe they are California Kush, I dont really have an eye for trichomes so im kinda lost, lol
  4. Kappa

    Are they ready yet?????? (pics) 8 weeks flowering

    How do they look? theyre in their 8th week flowering and i dont know if they are soon ready to cut. here are some pics of the plants and also the trichomes. the pics of the trichomes were taken with a digital camera through a microscope so the quality isnt great but you should be able to tell.
  5. Kappa

    38 dats flowering, how do they look ????

    ive grown with about the same setup in the past, im just getting back in the swing of things with this little grow, the two cfls i have are 23 watt each, and then the two 30 watt cool tubes, seems to be working pretty well.
  6. Kappa

    38 dats flowering, how do they look ????

    with past grows i have used nutes and ph kits but with this one i just threw them in the soil after a couple of days germ and let them go, when it comes to the lumens im not sure, i believe the flouros are 30 watt cool bulbs and the cfls are probably 23 watt, but again im not sure. This grow was...
  7. Kappa

    38 dats flowering, how do they look ????

    Approx 2 months, 66 days to be exact, im using a 3 foot double bulb flouro, and a couple of low watt cfls believe it or not, no nutes just plain tap water, started off 24/0 then switched the to 18/6 and started flowering 38 days ago. They are california kush, :)
  8. Kappa

    38 dats flowering, how do they look ????

    ok, here they are. Day 38 into flowering first grow in years so i didnt put as much money into it as i should but i think theyre doing ok. How do they look? any advice?
  9. Kappa

    plant for decoration??

    Thanks, thats the response i was looking for, ive said it about a million times in the past that i think the marijuana plant is the most interesting and beautiful plant on the planet and if i could id have one in every room of my house, wait a min i can !!, lol I think what im gonna do is put...
  10. Kappa

    plant for decoration??

    I dont know about the laws where you live but the charge for growing a plant or two here in newfoundland isnt all that serious, i have friends in the police force and to them trying to bust someone with one or two plants is nothing but a waste of time, they're looking for the major growers not...
  11. Kappa

    plant for decoration??

    THANK YOU! lol thats all i needed to know.
  12. Kappa

    plant for decoration??

    again, that dosent help me, if i wanted legal advice id consult a lawyer, will it die or can it be grown as a house plant, thats all i want to know, lol jesus
  13. Kappa

    plant for decoration??

    wtf do you mean wow??? lol that dosent help me at all, thanks though, anyone else?
  14. Kappa

    plant for decoration??

    i have 2 plants growing, now in flowering, wondering if i wanted to keep one in veg for decoration in my house would i have to keep it in the grow room or would it survive if i set it up in the corner of my living room? what light would i need and what about photo periods? I dont really smoke...
  15. Kappa

    Male or Female ??????

    the problem isnt not getting high, its the anxiety that comes along with it, and some people will laugh at me but it happened overnight, one day i lived to smoke and the next i just couldnt do it, lol
  16. Kappa

    Injured Plant !!! Will she be ok?

    checked on my plants earlier and of of the light fixtures had fallen and cracked the top of one of them :( it was hanging off so i cut it hoping she will recover, what do you think, bad thing is they are on the 4th day of flowering,
  17. Kappa

    Male or Female ??????

    yeah i grow just for fun, i used to smoke quite a bit but one day didnt enjoy the high like i used to, cant seem to get that feeling back, but i love every aspect of the culture and i think growing is the most relaxing and rewarding activity there is whether you smoke or not :)
  18. Kappa

    Male or Female ??????

    theyre sleeping right now, so i wouldnt be able to upload another pic until tomorrow, i have two plants growing, both vegged for about 5 weeks, the one pictured is about 2 feet, and the other is about a foot and a half, im flowering with cfls and flouros, i know i should have a hps or a mh but i...
  19. Kappa

    Male or Female ??????

    Can someone help me with sexing my plant, 4th day flowering, not sure if these are hairs or if im just hoping theyre hairs, lol
  20. Kappa

    Fimmed my plants, does this look right?

    Fimmed my plants, does this look right? and also how do you think they look overall. theres a couple of pictures of minor burning on a couple of leaves as well, forgot to check on the last night and by the time i did the cfls were touching, hope they'll be ok.