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  1. Kappa

    trilight cfl WTF?????

    yeah like i said i grabbed them by mistake, didnt realize they were 3-way, and the worst thing is they were double packs so they were like 30 bucks a piece, lol anyway i didnt notice because i had a shit load of things including an xbox 360, so the price didnt even phase me, anyway they will be...
  2. Kappa

    trilight cfl WTF?????

    Just went out and picked up a couple of packs of what i thought to be 40 watt cfls, when i got the home i realized that they were tirlights, 15/26/40w settings, if they are plugged into regular sockets what output will occur???
  3. Kappa

    plucked a couple of leaves, is this ok??

    Thanks man :)
  4. Kappa

    plucked a couple of leaves, is this ok??

    i noticed the very bottom leaves of my two plants were starting to shrivle a little so i plucked them, is this bad for the plants? it was the only leaves like it so i thought that if i got rid of them then they would concentrate more on new growth, am i right or wrong? they werent even full fan...
  5. Kappa

    3 weeks in, something dosent look right

    I was worried about the curling of some of the leaves but maybe im just being paranoid, i did change the photo period from 24/7 to 18/6 so maybe they are adjusting, i think they'll be fine its just me over analyzing.
  6. Kappa

    3 weeks in, something dosent look right

    i have a double tube flouro, 36" day glow and two 40 cfls, ocilating fan on 24 hours a day, humidity is good, ph is good, im worried about the leaves that are curling and reaching, the flouros are about 1 inch from the tops and the cfls are attached to the end of the hood. i think i should add...
  7. Kappa

    3 weeks in, something dosent look right

    ive been watering them every 2-3 days whenever the soil crusts, a couple of the pics were taken with a different filter that could be what your seeing.
  8. Kappa

    3 weeks in, something dosent look right

    they are three weeks from seed, im worried about the curling, the new growth seems to be fine but i still worry, lol its like having kids.
  9. Kappa

    3 weeks in, something dosent look right

    I may just be being paranoid but i dont think my plants are looking the best, please give me some input and advice, id like to get my babies back looking beautiful.
  10. Kappa

    ***Day 18 & 19, What do you guys think?***

    thanks boneman
  11. Kappa

    ***Day 18 & 19, What do you guys think?***

    Looking for some input on the progress of my plants, Its day 19 now, i added a couple of 9watt cfls on the ends of my flourescent hood for vertical lighting and i have 4 40watt cfls ready to go in just need to mount them, theres a little bit of curling but they seem to be doing ok, what do you...
  12. Kappa

    ***California Fucking Kush Baby!!!***

    Looks almost identical bugscreen, :)
  13. Kappa

    ***California Fucking Kush Baby!!!***

    Hey this is my first grow, the came out of the ground, lol i dont even smoke so the whole growing process is my reward, whatever they yield will be either given away or sold, lol so fuck yeah im praising my little ponies.
  14. Kappa

    ***California Fucking Kush Baby!!!***

    I have double tube 36" flouro day glow tubes, and 4x 40 watt CFL's right now, adding 6x 9 watt CFL's in the next couple of days as vertical lighting, and i have a flowering room set up with a 400 watt hps, getting a sea of green going soon, seems to be working out ok.
  15. Kappa

    ***California Fucking Kush Baby!!!***

    Just added another couple of lights to my room and after 48 hours they fucking exploded, I think I'm in love, lol.
  16. Kappa

    ***New Lights, Ok or Not?***

    thanks man, puts my mind at ease, i think what im gonna do is switch the position of the 40w back and forth between plants every 24 hours until i get some larger bulbs, but all in all i think they are growing pretty well. Little bit of curling going on but i think thats due to the pre-ferted...
  17. Kappa

    ***New Lights, Ok or Not?***

    Just added some lights to my grow room, in addition to the 36" flouros i have i added two 9 watt cfls, and a 40 watt cfl, the bulbs were free so thats why theres 9's in there, my question is, if i have a 9watt directly over each one of the plants and the 40 watt in the center will the plants...
  18. Kappa

    Day 14, Growing strong, I think lol

    The shop is already up and running, awesome place, he used to grow but got married and all that jazz, lol he kinda gets his grow fill by hanging out in my grow room, lol
  19. Kappa

    Day 14, Growing strong, I think lol

    I'm replacing the flouros with 8X40watt CFL's, 4 for each plant, and i'm gonna use the flouros whixh are 36" dayglow cool white for my seedlings and clones. Gonna try to get myself a little sea of green going, lol also my friend just opened a hydroponics store here in town so im gonna get myself...
  20. Kappa

    Day 14, Growing strong, I think lol

    I know, I'm excited to see if they are ladies or not, i got a hold of a lot of beautiful seeds, Kush, Hashplant and a lot of others im in the process of setting up a seedling room now, cant wait, new lights in a couple of days.