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  1. S

    I need some help. Im confused

    i strip the entire room when the ladys are over. then clean clean clean and start again. ama still smoke it all regardless aha
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    I need some help. Im confused

    ty for that clearence. so with this being said can one male bannana on female plant polinate itself? like shes just fucked herself and gev herself baby?
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    I need some help. Im confused

    it looks nothing like that friend. its a 3 females with buds lol but with seeds in them. not very full one seed here and there
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    I need some help. Im confused

    hi. so im on my 3rd batch of auto buddah syrups, first and second was brilliant, nothing has changed in setupwise no other plants no nothing. so can any one try and explain how ive brought 3 fem auto seeds, they have all buded beautifully like before but all 3 of them have seeds!!! how has...
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    Here's A Good Spin On Alien Theory

    interesting thread, all this to me is not new to me and my hunger for the truth. i deeply recommend ALL of you that are reading this thread to buy the book (if you can). - Old World Secrets The Omega Projects. Or at least youtube it. peace! :)
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    Budah Syrup

    thank you fellow gardener. more pics coming soon :). and has for tieing down, i thought these autos would not grow as much as they did so i did not expect tieing to be needed. is it still safe to to so now at day 24? are you experienced with this strain? if so hows the smoke (need to hear it...
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    Budah Syrup

    this is my 3week old 'syrup'. do they look normal for a 3week old baby?
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    syrup day 21, paranoia?

    this is my first experience with autos.i did some research on cycles before purchase and some say 24 hour cycles other say 18/6, so i sorta stayed in between. make my own assumptions and mistakes. my biggest is 1.3 ft, my smallest is slowly crawling in at 23 inches. does it soud like im bringing...
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    syrup day 21, paranoia?

    hi, these are a few pics from day 21 of my auto syrup. they have been on 12/13 light cycles since seedling, soiled in bat mix also from the start and now in 5L pots. im not the best gardener in the world but do my babys look healthy? claw leaf? or am i just paranoid? any suggestions and comments...