Here's A Good Spin On Alien Theory


Well-Known Member
they dont know anything of the construction of those pyramids. correct me if im wrong on that. those vids tho are just show how they coulda did it.


Well-Known Member
"In every journal entry we research from those early pilgrims, not one entry mentions anything about aliens not being there."

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
That's something that you notice though. I am always sure to note the absence of aliens anytime I record anything on paper. Unless of course they aren't absent.


Well-Known Member
I was reading an article the other day about how it would make more sense had aliens been here the entire time we've been here maybe longer maybe shorter. Its whole thing was that had there been this far superior race living here, it is possible that we wouldn't notice them. We all see aliens as some magical strange phenomenon. Strange lights in the sky, weird abductions, occurances..

Now think of a group of wild monkeys living in the forest. When an airplane or car passes them, they don't know what to think. They see it as some magical bird or strange thing. This is because their level of conscsousness is lower than ours. What it was saying is that there could be species that have a higher conscousness level than our own. There for mocking us, manipulating us. Like we are animals. It would be easy for them.

Imagine a flying helicopter and a bunch of people jumping out of it and tagging a chimp. Now to the chimp a bunch of crazy creatures came flying out of a very loud magical bird, then put some thing on its ear, and left. Why? The article was saying this is in comparison what they could be doing to us, many people have stories of being abducted, tagged, studied, and put back. Another popular thing was them taking babies. Apparently aliens like babies? Steal them right out of their cribs.

Also if you think about it, this would help the whole aliens helping out in building pyrimades and other things as well. Remember the pyrimades were built before the wheel so how in the hell did they move those rocks that weigh out to many many tons? All the heiroglyphics and such were just drawings of the super-intelligent species that we see as aliens coming from other planets, but could very well just be from here. Same goes for faries, gnomes, elves(possibly)..

Don't think this is logical? Just ask a monkey or a bear.

I stole a lot of this stuff from that article I wish I could find it...
Look up "Gnostic" and "Archon" together.

"Archon's" are the theory of "higher conscious" or "fuckin with our brains" aliens.

"Flyers" Or "Snatchers" or something like that are a similar old theory :)
Winged beasts that fly around making reality seem the way it does, as they pluck us up(Like the "Matrix"). And that is what we interpret as "Death"


New Member
lol yea Ive read alot of alein articles and scientists theories, some of it sounds really farfetched to me. Basically people believe aleins were the things responsible for speeding up the evolution of mankind. It goes like aleins used our animals on planet earth as test subjects or experiments, they did crazy breeding of different species, trying to create what we would call hybrids and bring them back to their own planet. Scientists also believe that these aleins were breeding with people, according to some text human and alein crossbreeds were supposed to be like superbeings, have super strength and intellegence. Its like its taken us millions of years, yes millions of years to evole into a chimpanzee man or nethanderal, and then in just the past one hundred thousand years our brain size has tripled, scientists still cant understand what has made our intellegance of mankind prosper so much in such a little time other than without the help of extra terrestials. What the scientists are trying to conclude is that we all share alein dna in our blood. lol think about that for a second or ten
cooking food increased our brain size


Joe Cali is right, the fall of Adam, and aliens have alot in common, aliens never hid from us, but we hide from them. Depending on your fate aliens can be a good or bad thing.


Well-Known Member
I think we were part of a multispecies, space traveling society.

But then we committed and "Unforgivable sin" and were marooned on Earth...

Too far from other life to even see it with a telescope... :(

Waiting for that one child to work us back to the stars with their mind, but any writing we had has been warped, by the "Leaders" of earth, and by confused "Telephone" effect...


RIU Bulldog
I think we were part of a multispecies, space traveling society.

But then we committed and "Unforgivable sin" and were marooned on Earth...

Too far from other life to even see it with a telescope... :(

Waiting for that one child to work us back to the stars with their mind, but any writing we had has been warped, by the "Leaders" of earth, and by confused "Telephone" effect...
This might be the first thing you've said that I can agree is probable. Good theory FS.


interesting thread, all this to me is not new to me and my hunger for the truth.
i deeply recommend ALL of you that are reading this thread to buy the book (if you can). - Old World Secrets The Omega Projects. Or at least youtube it. peace! :)


Well-Known Member
interesting thread, all this to me is not new to me and my hunger for the truth.
i deeply recommend ALL of you that are reading this thread to buy the book (if you can). - Old World Secrets The Omega Projects. Or at least youtube it. peace! :)
I'ma check it out. You shoulda posted it here, from Youtube :)
It's the little button that looks like film, above the box where you type :)