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  1. tyson53

    Do you have to decarb before baking?

    get some cheese cloth or a old clean t shirt to wring out the wet trim for some extra butter ...if you have a double boiler a pan in a pan it helps burning of the butter in the pan...put water in bottom pan ..set another pan inside that....but about 4 inches of water in bottom pan..that...
  2. tyson53

    Do you have to decarb before baking?

    the gassing off of the chlrophyl will just be retained in the it a hay taste....and changing the compisition of the THC is not as effective when cooking with de carb
  3. tyson53

    Stupid f*****g neighbours!!

    did you try talking to him..and offer some help in his careful with russians in fucking with them ..they can be roothless....just try being a nice guy and explain the situation....
  4. tyson53

    Do you have to decarb before baking?

    yes i always de carb before making butter or infused oils... Bake for 30 minutes at 250 will take the green taste out of the baked goods...and also give you maximun effects.... little info
  5. tyson53

    GanjaGarden On Side of Mountain in Spain ×xXMISSXx×

    you did not insult me by any was just a IN person not a true hippy....I spent a few years in SE Asia in the military in the very early 70's...came home in 73...but I smoked some crazy sativa's there....looked like rag weed but curled your toes....and some crazy hash also...cough...
  6. tyson53

    GanjaGarden On Side of Mountain in Spain ×xXMISSXx×

    well i grew up in the 60's lol..yup old...was at woodstock also...and i wear patchuli time to time...especialy when hiking..keeps bugs away....I been growing a long time ..back in the days we had very little nutrients to pick emulsion...Shultz..Miracle grow and jacks...
  7. tyson53

    GanjaGarden On Side of Mountain in Spain ×xXMISSXx×

    I just went outside to shake the morning dew off my outside plants and checked green house also...the jamican dream now smells like in the greenhouse and its 90 in there now...and my blueberry smells like berry an watermelon...strange how the terpenes change during the...
  8. tyson53

    GanjaGarden On Side of Mountain in Spain ×xXMISSXx×

    Oh i forgot to mention....i grew the Amnesia last was royal queens was a monster..over 13 feet....and bud production was off the charts....and hard as had a lemony fuel smell...but was one of the plants that ws mold prone...i did get some rot on the buds but...
  9. tyson53

    GanjaGarden On Side of Mountain in Spain ×xXMISSXx×

    i grew the blue dream also last was a nice producer..smelled so nice...but over all the high was good but not superb...i will say your in a great location to grow Cindy 99 great plant..get the seeds from female ones I have tried...this plant grows crazy..and smells like...
  10. tyson53

    GanjaGarden On Side of Mountain in Spain ×xXMISSXx×

    Great grow Miss..all looking good....they look happy..I love caramelow..grew it last year outdoors and have to say was one of the best tasting and great threw so many bud sites and just kept stacking up all during the flower period...and so sticky and smelled really sweet.... as far...
  11. tyson53

    Good Bloom Nutrient For Outdoor?

    stick what you are late in the season to begin experimenting..if your plants are doing well ..why take the risk...a few friends of mine use the GH maxi line grow amd bloom outdoors and they do very well....but dont forget to end your nute adding the last week and just let the plants...
  12. tyson53

    applying de with atomizer

    I have have an atomizer also and i dont think you will be able to spray a dry powder...but if you get a cheap leaf blower...and play with it a bit with powders like DE in the intake part of may blow powders..just have to hand feed the powder...they do sell hand powered dusters also...
  13. tyson53

    Cloudy days during flower

    you will be fine...cloudy days wont inhibit will get UVB which is good...
  14. tyson53

    Anyone use dynagro?

    I been using the dyna grow ..grow for my houseplants..and works well..but i have read lots of posts like what shnkrmn said..lots use the foliage pro right thru the whole grow and had fantastic results....I my self use the pro tek like its beefs up the plant...
  15. tyson53

    Is Any Dishsoap Safe As Neem Replacement

    there are two soaps that are safe and work good....seventh generation and Dr. Bronners soap...I use he peppermint one..helps deter insects also these two soaps are plant
  16. tyson53

    Humic/fulvic acid

    humic and fulvic acids are vital to good plant growth...I use it in soil and ad a foliar spray...this is the stuff I use... has worked great for me...i water it in every 2 weeks...and spray every 3 weeks until 3 weeks from cutting...
  17. tyson53

    NEATure walks are the tits!

    WOW..them people are eating to much forest floor fungus....all of those people there..thier elevators will never go to the top floor...I may just go out in my yard an cry to my plants like that..may bring bigger yields..or guys with a butterfly net to take me away...
  18. tyson53

    PLANTS stolen!!!!

    go to harbor freight and get the drive way alarms..they are motion sensor alarms...but the receiver is in the house so you have to be home to hear great for me... or this one outside under cover to give off a...
  19. tyson53

    600w: Bay 11, Green Crack, Martian Kush, Snowcap LA, and White Fire OG

    I get up early and jut blow off the plants...the greenhouse is good..but they get very unmanageble at you can see in my profile pic....I need one 40 feet long and 24 wide to do what i would like to do... and yes the bud worms suck bad...once thery shit on your buds you know rot is...
  20. tyson53

    Cindy99 lst 55 days flowering

    cindy is usally ready in 55-60 days...BUT always check your trics to let them tell you when ready...I had cindy ready at 45 days and some over 60 days...I check trics on due date..if 5% amber milky..I cut her...seems she has the best kick then..makes the best oil then also...