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  1. yamin

    Growing with a dead Rat in the soil ?

    i keep putting the fish that die in the aquriam in pots.... then aft abt 3-4 months i use the soil.... my oj loves it...... but rat.... no chance i would want to smoke that...
  2. yamin

    abortion... can she still b smoking??

    I would never recommend asking a female who smokes pot to stop smoking... my sentiments exactly..... especially since its helping ill keep her off booz
  3. yamin

    abortion... can she still b smoking??

    thx... maybe if i show her these posts she'll stay off booz...... but the dope i cant make her stop.... the cramps r really bad.... an like i said smoking's the only thing thats keeping that in control.... an the doc just doesnt know the effect dope will have on her.... an this is india... the...
  4. yamin

    12/12 Club Show off Your Girls

    lol...... making a black house that i can justput on top of my girls... gt a venting system and a fan that ill just keep on the ground... its going 2 b hard gtin home every day at 6 to put the black huose over them... ill post pic as soon as i gt it ready
  5. yamin

    abortion... can she still b smoking??

    doc's completely unsure abt dope..... beer's ok aft 24 hrs as far as the pill manufactures have to say.... doc's advised us against.... there's gt to b others that have gone through the same problem... i need to find an talk to them.... any medical marijuana gynecologists out there???
  6. yamin

    abortion... can she still b smoking??

    rubbers have 95% chance of working.... an they didnt work that 1 time pills fck up her system.....
  7. yamin

    Newbies! Ask Me Questions Here!

    can someone plz tell me whats wrong with her.... fan leaves r just crumbling off.... + rep for any help thanks
  8. yamin

    Guide for Diagnosing Plant Problems

    she's 2 week into flowering.... abt 5 days back the leaves started turning rusty in color... then crumbling.... plz look at the pic
  9. yamin

    What kind of lights to veg for a few weeks?

    i gt 3 clones under a 45 w an a 25 w 6500 cfl..... i keep them on 24/7.....
  10. yamin

    abortion... can she still b smoking??

    hey she's asking.... when u've been drinking for years its hard.... especially with the stress..... an she's already smoking..... i just want to know whats what.... thx anyway
  11. yamin

    abortion... can she still b smoking??

    hi... so my girl frnd's gtin an abortion.... using MT pill.... and then some internal pill that i dont know as yet.... she took the MT pill yesterday... v have been smoking hash from india.... side effects??? is this good, bad, ugly.... the pill gives her crazy cramps an weed helps with...
  12. yamin

    Best place to drop acid?

    A SUN SET, A FULL MOON, an some cool breez thats all i need for a killer trip
  13. yamin

    First grow... some unanswered questions(pic)

    plz take a look at the leaves.... they r rusting.... she's 15 days into flowering..... WHATS WRONG???? thanks
  14. yamin

    12/12 Club Show off Your Girls

    do u know how much longer i gt to wait b4 i see the crystals??
  15. yamin

    12/12 Club Show off Your Girls

    india brother...... no i dont have to bring them in as yet..... gtin 11.40 hrs of sunlight.... but in abt 2 months it will increase till abt 14 hrs of sunlight.... so at 12/12 ill have to start gtin them inside
  16. yamin

    How long

    check out my grow...... its 20 days into flowering best of luck with ur grow
  17. yamin

    12/12 Club Show off Your Girls

    20 days of flowering..... outdoor.... what do u think???
  18. yamin

    *First time grow* How am i doing?

    lookin good... best of luck
  19. yamin

    male or female, clear pics, pls help

    just cook it and eat it... hermi or not it'll give u a buzz
  20. yamin

    1st grow...going outdoors

    Take a look...... what do u guys think...